I\'m trying to setup a private docker registry using the image taken from: https://github.com/docker/docker-registry
Just by running:
docker run -p 5000:50
Edit the config file "/etc/default/docker"
sudo vi /etc/default/docker
add the line at the end of file
DOCKER_OPTS="$DOCKER_OPTS --insecure-registry="
(replace the with your own ip address)
and restart docker service
sudo service docker restart
OK - I found the solution to this - after a day of digging.
For docker below 1.12.1:
It turns out that the new client version refuses to work with a private registry without SSL.
To fix this - the daemon on the client machine should be launched with the insecure flag:
Just type:
sudo service docker stop # to stop the service
and then
sudo docker -d --insecure-registry
(replace the
with your own ip address).
I would expect the docker guys to add this option to the pull/push command line...
Edit - altenantively - you can add the flag to DOCKER_OPTS
env variable inside /etc/default/docker...
and then sudo service docker restart
Edit again - It seems that the docker guys are on it - and a fix will come soon: https://github.com/docker/docker/pull/8935
For docker 1.12.1:
Please follow below the answer of vikas027 (valid for centos)
edit docker.service file, add --insecure-registry x.x.x.x after -d flag, restart docker
this is the only thing that worked for me, the DOCKER_OPTS didn't have any effect
In addition to the above answers, I am adding what worked in "docker for mac" for me:
Setting Local insecure registry in docker along with proxy:
1) in ubuntu add the following flag --insecure-registry IP:port under DOCKER_OPTS in file /etc/default/docker
1.1) configure no_proxy env variable to bypass local IP/hostname/domainname...as proxy can throw a interactive msg ...like continue and this intermediate msg confuses docker client and finally timesout...
1.2) if domainname is configured...then don't forget to update /etc/hosts file if not using DNS.
1.3) in /etc/default/docker set the env variables http_proxy and https_proxy...as it enables to download images from outside company hubs. format http_proxy=http://username:password@proxy:port
2) restart the docker service...if installed as service, use sudo service docker restart
3) restart the registry container [sudo docker run -p 5000:5000 registry:2 ]
4) tag the required image using sudo docker tag imageid IP:port/imagename/tagname ifany
5) push the image ...sudo docker push ip:port/imagename
6) If u want to pull the image from another machine say B without TLS/SSL,then in B apply setps 1,1.1 and 2. If these changes are not done in machine B...pull will fail.
Two step solution(without --insecure-registry
mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/
echo -n | openssl s_client -connect | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > /etc/docker/certs.d/
Now your docker will trust your self-signed certificate.