My question is: Is it possible to get the azure active directory tenant id without using powershell command?
I found this two blogs and with this help, I\'m already
If you have Azure CLI setup, you can run the command below,
az account list
or find it at ~/.azure/credentials
A simple way to get the tenantID is
Connect-MsolService -cred $LiveCred #sign in to tenant
(Get-MSOLCompanyInformation).objectid.guid #get tenantID
You can run a simple curl call to get the tenant id of an azure subscription without any authentication.
make a curl call to :{subscription-id}?api-version=2015-01-01
The request fails but you will be able to get the tenant id from the response header. The tenant id is present in line followed by "WWW-Authenticate: Bearer authorization_uri=""
you can use curl -v
to show the response header.
My team really got sick of trying to find the tenant ID for our O365 and Azure projects. The devs, the support team, the sales team, everyone needs it at some point and never remembers how to do it.
So we've built this small site in the same vein as Hope you find it useful!
Another way to get it from App registrations
Azure Active Directory
-> App registrations
-> click the app and it will show the tenant ID
like this
In the Azure CLI (I use GNU/Linux):
$ azure login # add "-e AzureChinaCloud" if you're using Azure China
This will ask you to login via or
$ azure account show
info: Executing command account show
data: Name : BizSpark Plus
data: ID : aZZZZZZZ-YYYY-HHHH-GGGG-abcdef569123
data: State : Enabled
data: Tenant ID : 0XXXXXXX-YYYY-HHHH-GGGG-123456789123
data: Is Default : true
data: Environment : AzureCloud
data: Has Certificate : No
data: Has Access Token : Yes
data: User name :
info: account show command OK
or simply:
azure account show --json | jq -r '.[0].tenantId'
or the new az:
az account show --subscription a... | jq -r '.tenantId'
az account list | jq -r '.[].tenantId'
I hope it helps