What is the best way to test whether a list contains a given value in Clojure?
In particular, the behaviour of contains?
is currently confusing me:
Another option:
((set '(100 101 102)) 101)
Use java.util.Collection#contains():
(.contains '(100 101 102) 101)
You can always call java methods with .methodName syntax.
(.contains [100 101 102] 101) => true
(not= -1 (.indexOf '(101 102 103) 102))
Works, but below is better:
(some #(= 102 %) '(101 102 103))
For what it is worth, this is my simple implementation of a contains function for lists:
(defn list-contains? [coll value]
(let [s (seq coll)]
(if s
(if (= (first s) value) true (recur (rest s) value))
The problem with the 'recommended' solution is it is breaks when the value you are seeking is 'nil'. I prefer this solution:
(defn member?
"I'm still amazed that Clojure does not provide a simple member function.
Returns true if `item` is a member of `series`, else nil."
[item series]
(and (some #(= item %) series) true))
Here's the classic Lisp solution:
(defn member? [list elt]
"True if list contains at least one instance of elt"
(empty? list) false
(= (first list) elt) true
true (recur (rest list) elt)))