My current process for debugging stored procedures is very simple. I create a table called \"debug\" where I insert variable values from the stored procedure as it runs. Thi
MySql Connector/NET also includes a stored procedure debugger integrated in visual studio as of version 6.6, You can get the installer and the source here:
Some documentation / screenshots:
You can follow the annoucements here:,561817,561817#msg-561817
UPDATE: The MySql for Visual Studio was split from Connector/NET into a separate product, you can pick it (including the debugger) from here (still free & open source).
DISCLAIMER: I was the developer who authored the Stored procedures debugger engine for MySQL for Visual Studio product.
I just simply place select statements in key areas of the stored procedure to check on current status of data sets, and then comment them out (--select...) or remove them before production.
The first and stable debugger for MySQL is in dbForge Studio for MySQL
MySQL Connector/Net 6.6 has a feature to Debug Stored Procedures and Functions
Installing the Debugger
To enable the stored procedure debugger:
- For Connector/Net 6.6: Install Connector/Net 6.6 and choose the Complete option.
- For Connector/Net 6.7 and later: Install the product MySQL for Visual Studio, to which the stored procedure debugger belongs.
Starting the Debugger
To start the debugger, follow these steps:
- Choose a connection in the Visual Studio Server Explorer.
- Expand the Stored Procedures folder. Only stored procedures can be debugged directly. To debug a user-defined function, create a stored
procedure that calls the function.- Click on a stored procedure node, then right-click and from the context menu choose Debug Routine.
I had use two different tools to debug procedures and functions:
The following debug_msg
procedure can be called to simply output a debug message to the console:
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `test_procedure`$$
CREATE PROCEDURE debug_msg(enabled INTEGER, msg VARCHAR(255))
IF enabled THEN
select concat('** ', msg) AS '** DEBUG:';
END $$
CREATE PROCEDURE test_procedure(arg1 INTEGER, arg2 INTEGER)
SET @enabled = TRUE;
call debug_msg(@enabled, 'my first debug message');
call debug_msg(@enabled, (select concat_ws('','arg1:', arg1)));
call debug_msg(TRUE, 'This message always shows up');
call debug_msg(FALSE, 'This message will never show up');
END $$
Then run the test like this:
CALL test_procedure(1,2)
It will result in the following output:
** my first debug message
** arg1:1
** This message always shows up