In GMail, the user can click on one checkbox in the email list, hold down the Shift key, and select a second checkbox. The JavaScript will then select/unselect the checkboxe
Recently, I wrote a jQuery plugin that provide that feature and more.
After including the plugin you just need to initialize the context of checkboxes with the following code snippet:
$('#table4').checkboxes({ range: true });
Here is the link to the documentation, demo & download:
This is jquery solution that I wrote and use:
Also each checkbox
has an attribute named rg
that contain same
var chksel_last=-1;
if(ev.shiftKey){var i=0;
if(chksel_last >=0){
if($(this).attr('rg') >= chksel_last){
if($(this).attr('rg') <= chksel_last){for(i=$(this).attr('rg');i<=chksel_last;i++){$('.chksel_'+i).attr('checked','true')}}
I took the jQuery version from @BC. and transformed it into an ES6 version, since the code is actually pretty elegantly solving the problem, in case anyone still stumbles across this...
function enableGroupSelection( selector ) {
let lastChecked = null;
const checkboxes = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( selector ) );
checkboxes.forEach( checkbox => checkbox.addEventListener( 'click', event => {
if ( !lastChecked ) {
lastChecked = checkbox;
if ( event.shiftKey ) {
const start = checkboxes.indexOf( checkbox );
const end = checkboxes.indexOf( lastChecked );
.slice( Math.min( start, end ), Math.max( start, end ) + 1 )
.forEach( checkbox => checkbox.checked = lastChecked.checked );
lastChecked = checkbox;
} ) );
Well, the post is quite old but here is a solution I've just come across: jQuery Field Plug-In
Inspired by the fine answers provided, here's a plain JavaScript version using Array.prototype
to coerce nodelists to use array functions, rather than for
(function () { // encapsulating variables with IIFE
var lastcheck = null // no checkboxes clicked yet
// get desired checkboxes
var checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('div.itemslist input[type=checkbox]')
// loop over checkboxes to add event listener, function (cbx, idx) {
cbx.addEventListener('click', function (evt) {
// test for shift key, not first checkbox, and not same checkbox
if ( evt.shiftKey && null !== lastcheck && idx !== lastcheck ) {
// get range of checks between last-checkbox and shift-checkbox
// Math.min/max does our sorting for us, Math.min(lastcheck, idx), Math.max(lastcheck, idx))
// and loop over each
.forEach(function (ccbx) {
ccbx.checked = true
lastcheck = idx // set this checkbox as last-checked for later
<div class="itemslist">
<input type="checkbox" name="one" value="1">
<input type="checkbox" name="two" value="2">
<input type="checkbox" name="three" value="3">
<input type="checkbox" name="four" value="4">
<input type="checkbox" name="five" value="5">
this solution works for me, also ajax based for DataTables
<table id="dataTable">
<td><input type="checkbox"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox"></td>
$(document).ready(function() {
var $chkboxes = $('#dataTable');
var $range = '#dataTable tbody';
var $first = false;
var $indexWrapp = 'tr';
var lastChecked = null;
var $checkboxes = 'input[type="checkbox"]';
$chkboxes.on('click',$checkboxes,function(e) {
if ($first===false) {
lastChecked = $(this).closest($indexWrapp).index();
lastCheckedInput = $(this).prop('checked');
if (e.shiftKey) {
var start = lastChecked;
var end = $(this).closest($indexWrapp).index();
$( $range+' '+$indexWrapp).each(function() {
if( $currIndex>=start && $currIndex<=end ){
$(this).find($checkboxes).prop('checked', lastCheckedInput);
lastCheckedInput = $(this).prop('checked');
lastChecked = $(this).closest($indexWrapp).index();