Similar to \"How to detect if OS X is in dark mode?\" only for browsers.
Has anyone found if there is a way to detect if the user\'s system is in the new OS X Dark M
The new standard is registered on W3C in Media Queries Level 5.
NOTE: currently only available in Safari Technology Preview Release 68
In case user preference is light
/* Light mode */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
body {
background-color: white;
color: black;
In case user preference is dark
/* Dark mode */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
body {
background-color: black;
color: white;
There is also the option no-preference
in case a user has no preference. But I recommend you just to use normal CSS in that case and cascade your CSS correctly.
EDIT (7 dec 2018):
In Safari Technology Preview Release 71 they announced a toggle switch in Safari to make testing easier. I also made a test page to see the browser behaviour.
If you have Safari Technology Preview Release 71 installed you can activate through:
Develop > Experimental Features > Dark Mode CSS Support
Then if you open the test page and open the element inspector you have a new icon to toggle Dark/Light mode.
EDIT (11 feb 2019): Apple ships in the new Safari 12.1 dark mode
EDIT (5 sep 2019): Currently 25% of the world can use dark mode CSS. Source:
Upcoming browsers:
- iOS 13 ( I guess it will be shipped next week after Apple's Keynote)
- EdgeHTML 76 (not sure when that will be shipped)
EDIT (5 nov 2019): Currently 74% of the world can use dark mode CSS. Source:
EDIT (3 Feb 2020): Microsoft Edge 79 supports dark mode. (released on 15 Jan 2020)
My suggestion would be: that you should consider implementing dark mode because most of the users can use it now (for night-time users of your site).
Note: All major browsers are supporting dark mode now, except: IE,
EDIT (19 Nov 2020): Currently 88% of the world can use dark mode CSS. Source:
CSS-framework Tailwind CSS v2.0 supports dark-mode. (released on 18 Nov 2020)
If you want to detect it from JS, you can use this code:
if (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) {
// dark mode
To watch for changes:
window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').addEventListener('change', e => {
const newColorScheme = e.matches ? "dark" : "light";
I searched though Mozilla API, they don't seem to have any variables corresponding to the browser-windows color. Though i found a page that might help you: How to Use Operating System Styles in CSS. Despite the article-header the colors are different for Chrome and Firefox.
This is currently (September 2018) being discussed in "CSS Working Group Editor Drafts". Spec has launched (see above), available as a media query. Something has already landed in Safari, see also here. So in theory you can do this in Safari/Webkit:
@media (prefers-dark-interface) { color: white; background: black }
But it seems that this is private. On MDN a CSS media feature inverted-colors
is mentioned. Plug: I blogged about dark mode here.
According to Mozilla, here is the preferred method as of 2020
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
body {
background: #000;
@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
body {
background: #fff;
For Safari/Webkit you can use
@media (prefers-dark-interface) { background: #000; }