I\'d like to add a button to the toolbar that calls a JavaScript function like Tada()
Any ideas on how to add this?
In case anybody is interested, I wrote a solution for this using Prototype. In order to get the button to appear correctly, I had to specify extraPlugins: 'ajaxsave'
from inside the CKEDITOR.replace()
method call.
Here is the plugin.js:
init: function(editor)
var pluginName = 'ajaxsave';
editor.addCommand( pluginName,
exec : function( editor )
new Ajax.Request('ajaxsave.php',
method: "POST",
parameters: { filename: 'index.html', editor: editor.getData() },
onFailure: function() { ThrowError("Error: The server has returned an unknown error"); },
on0: function() { ThrowError('Error: The server is not responding. Please try again.'); },
onSuccess: function(transport) {
var resp = transport.responseText;
//Successful processing by ckprocess.php should return simply 'OK'.
if(resp == "OK") {
//This is a custom function I wrote to display messages. Nicer than alert()
ShowPageMessage('Changes have been saved successfully!');
} else {
canUndo : true
label: 'Save',
command: pluginName,
className : 'cke_button_save'
You can add the button image as follows:
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('showtime', //name of our plugin
requires: ['dialog'], //requires a dialog window
init:function(a) {
var b="showtime";
var c=a.addCommand(b,new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand(b));
c.modes={wysiwyg:1,source:1}; //Enable our plugin in both modes
//add new button to the editor
label:'Show current time',
icon:this.path+"showtime.png" //path of the icon
CKEDITOR.dialog.add(b,this.path+"dialogs/ab.js") //path of our dialog file
Here is the actual plugin with all steps described.
I am in the process of developing a number of custom Plugins for CKEditor and here's my survival pack of bookmarks:
For your purpose, I would recommend look at one of the plugins in the _source/plugins
directory, for example the "print" button. Adding a simple Javascript function is quite easy to achieve. You should be able to duplicate the print plugin (take the directory from _source into the actual plugins/ directory, worry about minification later), rename it, rename every mention of "print" within it, give the button a proper name you use later in your toolbar setup to include the button, and add your function.
Also there is a nice way allowing one to add the button without creating plugin.
<textarea id="container">How are you!</textarea>
editor = CKEDITOR.replace('container'); // bind editor
editor.addCommand("mySimpleCommand", { // create named command
exec: function(edt) {
editor.ui.addButton('SuperButton', { // add new button and bind our command
label: "Click me",
command: 'mySimpleCommand',
toolbar: 'insert',
icon: 'https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/5500999?v=2&s=16'
Check out how it works here: DEMO
There are handy tutorials in the official CKEditor 4 documentation, that cover writing a plugin that inserts content into the editor, registers a button and shows a dialog window:
If you read these two, move on to Integrating Plugins with Advanced Content Filter.
So far there is one introduction article available:
CKEditor 5 Framework: Quick Start - Creating a simple plugin
You'll need to create a plug-in. The documentation for CKEditor is very poor for this, especially since I believe it has changed significantly since FCKEditor. I would suggest copying an existing plug-in and studying it. A quick google for "CKEditor plugin" also found this blog post.