I need to find which version of TensorFlow I have installed. I\'m using Ubuntu 16.04 Long Term Support.
To get more information about tensorflow and its options you can use below command:
>> import tensorflow as tf
>> help(tf)
Easily get KERAS and TENSORFLOW version number --> Run this command in terminal:
[username@usrnm:~] python3
>>import keras; print(keras.__version__)
Using TensorFlow backend.
>>import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)
This depends on how you installed TensorFlow. I am going to use the same headings used by TensorFlow's installation instructions to structure this answer.
python -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)' # for Python 2
python3 -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)' # for Python 3
Note that python
is symlinked to /usr/bin/python3
in some Linux distributions, so use python
instead of python3
in these cases.
pip list | grep tensorflow
for Python 2 or pip3 list | grep tensorflow
for Python 3 will also show the version of Tensorflow installed.
python -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)' # for both Python 2 and Python 3
pip list | grep tensorflow
will also show the version of Tensorflow installed.
For example, I have installed TensorFlow 0.9.0 in a virtualenv
for Python 3. So, I get:
$ python -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)'
$ pip list | grep tensorflow
tensorflow (0.9.0)
For knowing any version of the python library then if your library is installed using the pip then use the following command.
pip show tensorflow
The Output of the above command will be shown below:-
Name: tensorflow
Version: 2.3.0
Summary: TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone.
Home-page: https://www.tensorflow.org/
Author: Google Inc.
Author-email: packages@tensorflow.org
License: Apache 2.0
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages
Requires: astunparse, wheel, keras-preprocessing, gast, tensorflow-estimator, opt-einsum, tensorboard, protobuf, absl-py, six, wrapt, termcolor, numpy, grpcio, scipy, google-pasta, h5py
Required-by: fancyimpute