I add buttons on the toolbar for the following 3 macros. Each will take the currently selected text in any file and google it (or MSDN-it, or spell-check-it). Make up a nifty icon for the toolbar for extra style-points.
Private Const BROWSER_PATH As String = "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
Sub SearchGoogle()
Dim cmd As String
cmd = String.Format("{0} http://www.google.com/search?hl-en&q={1}", BROWSER_PATH, DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text)
Shell(cmd, AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)
End Sub
Sub SearchMSDN()
Dim cmd As String
cmd = String.Format("{0} http://www.google.com/search?hl-en&q={1}+site%3Amsdn.microsoft.com", BROWSER_PATH, DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text)
Shell(cmd, AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)
End Sub
Sub SpellCheck()
Dim cmd As String
cmd = String.Format("{0} http://www.spellcheck.net/cgi-bin/spell.exe?action=CHECKWORD&string={1}", BROWSER_PATH, DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text)
Shell(cmd, AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)
End Sub