I have succeeded in getting git to start Beyond Compare 3 as a diff tool however, when I do a diff, the file I am comparing against is not being loaded. Only the latest ver
Thanks to @dahlbyk, the author of Posh-Git, for posting his config as a gist. It helped me resolve my configuration issue.
tool = bc3
prompt = false
[difftool "bc3"]
cmd = \"c:/program files (x86)/beyond compare 3/bcomp.exe\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
tool = bc3
prompt = false
keepBackup = false
[mergetool "bc3"]
cmd = \"c:/program files (x86)/beyond compare 3/bcomp.exe\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" \"$BASE\" \"$MERGED\"
trustExitCode = true
dt = difftool
mt = mergetool
Run these commands for Beyond Compare 2:
git config --global diff.tool bc2
git config --global difftool.bc2.cmd "\"c:/program files (x86)/beyond compare 2/bc2.exe\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\""
git config --global difftool.prompt false
Run these commands for Beyond Compare 3:
git config --global diff.tool bc3
git config --global difftool.bc3.cmd "\"c:/program files (x86)/beyond compare 3/bcomp.exe\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\""
git config --global difftool.prompt false
Then use git difftool
The difference is in the exe being called: set it up to call bcomp.exe and it'll work fine. Configure your environment to call bcompare.exe and you'll end up with the side of the comparison taken from your revision system being empty.
Official documentation worked for me
The Beyond Compare support page is a bit brief.
Check my diff.external answer for more (regarding the exact syntax)
$ git config --global diff.external <path_to_wrapper_script>
at the command prompt, replacing with the path to "
", so your~/.gitconfig
external = <path_to_wrapper_script>
Be sure to use the correct syntax to specify the paths to the wrapper script and diff tool, i.e. use forward slashed instead of backslashes. In my case, I have
external = c:/Documents and Settings/sschuber/git-diff-wrapper.sh
"d:/Program Files/Beyond Compare 3/BCompare.exe" "$2" "$5" | cat
in the wrapper script.
Note: you can also use git difftool.
Here is my config file. It took some wrestling but now it is working. I am using windows server, msysgit and beyond compare 3 (apparently an x86 version). Youll notice that I dont need to specify any arguments, and I use "path" instead of "cmd".
name = PeteW
email = petew@petew.com
tool = bc3
prompt = false
[difftool "bc3"]
path = /c/Program Files (x86)/Beyond Compare 3/BComp.exe
tool = bc3
prompt = false
keepBackup = false
[mergetool "bc3"]
path = /c/Program Files (x86)/Beyond Compare 3/BComp.exe
trustExitCode = true
dt = difftool
mt = mergetool