I want to have my local and remote repositories always in sync in terms of branches.
After a Pull Request review on GitHub, I merge and remove my branch there (remot
Very simple solution: remove your local repo and clone the remote one anew. May not seem very elegant, but it is simple and you'll understand exactly what you're doing without reading man pages :-).
None of this was working for me. You can see my other answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/34969726/550454
But essentially, I now have this in my ~/.gitconfig
prune-branches = !git remote prune origin && git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r git branch -d
For people using powershell, this is the equivalent to the answer above:
git branch -vv | Select-String -Pattern ': gone]' | ForEach-Object{($_ -split "\s+")[1]} | %{ git branch -D $_ }
git branch -D
on each of the found branchesI had the same question and I could solve it with a simple command line:
git branch -d $(git branch --merged | grep -v "master")
First of all, do a git pull origin
to make sure it will work fine.
The subshell first returns all branches that were merged to your current branch (make sure you have master branch checked out!!!), except for master which can be on the list if you don't use grep -v
. Then, all merged branches will be simply removed from your local repo by git branch -d <branch_1> <branch_n>
The voted answer does have the potential to delete master. Consdier the below practical example.
I had two feature branches hemen_README and hemen_BASEBOX which were merged into develop, and then develop was merged into master. The feature branches hemen_README and hemen_BASEBOX were deleted remotely but were still showing up locally. Also i am not on master locally, but on develop.
In that case
hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git branch -v -a
* develop 671ad6c Merged in hemen_README (pull request #1)
hemen_BASEBOX a535c0f added global exec paths to puppet manifest
hemen_README ba87489 Updated Readme with considerable details
master 8980894 [behind 7] Initial Vagrantfile, works for vagrant up. Also initial .gitignore
remotes/origin/develop 671ad6c Merged in hemen_README (pull request #1)
remotes/origin/hemen_BASEBOX a535c0f added global exec paths to puppet manifest
remotes/origin/hemen_README ba87489 Updated Readme with considerable details
remotes/origin/master 2f093ce Merged in develop (pull request #3)
So if i run the above partial command
hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git branch --merged | grep -v "\*"
Notice that it shows master too, which will eventually be deleted.
In any case I was able to do it. I am sharing my session log with you on how I achieved that.
hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git remote prune origin --dry-run
Pruning origin
URL: git@bitbucket.org:hemenkapadiapublic/vagrant-webdev.git
* [would prune] origin/hemen_BASEBOX
* [would prune] origin/hemen_README
hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git remote prune origin
Pruning origin
URL: git@bitbucket.org:hemenkapadiapublic/vagrant-webdev.git
* [pruned] origin/hemen_BASEBOX
* [pruned] origin/hemen_README
I just checked whay will be pruned and then pruned it. looking at branch command below we have taken care of remotes
hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git branch -v -a
* develop 671ad6c Merged in hemen_README (pull request #1)
hemen_BASEBOX a535c0f added global exec paths to puppet manifest
hemen_README ba87489 Updated Readme with considerable details
master 8980894 [behind 7] Initial Vagrantfile, works for vagrant up. Also initial .gitignore
remotes/origin/develop 671ad6c Merged in hemen_README (pull request #1)
remotes/origin/master 2f093ce Merged in develop (pull request #3)
Now go ahead and delete local branches
hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git branch -d hemen_BASEBOX
Deleted branch hemen_BASEBOX (was a535c0f).
hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git branch -d hemen_README
Deleted branch hemen_README (was ba87489).
Good now the branches are as desired.
hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git branch -v -a
* develop 671ad6c Merged in hemen_README (pull request #1)
master 8980894 [behind 7] Initial Vagrantfile, works for vagrant up. Also initial .gitignore
remotes/origin/develop 671ad6c Merged in hemen_README (pull request #1)
remotes/origin/master 2f093ce Merged in develop (pull request #3)
This should work to avoid deleting the master and development branches with the accepted solution:
git branch --merged | egrep -v "^\*|master|development" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d