I would like to take a string
var a = \"http://example.com/aa/bb/\"
and process it into an object such that
a.hostname == \
You can also use parse_url() function from Locutus project (former php.js).
scheme: 'http',
host: 'hostname',
user: 'username',
pass: 'password',
path: '/path',
query: 'arg=value',
fragment: 'anchor'
Expanded on acdcjunior solution by adding "searchParam" function
Mimicking the URL object, added "searchParam" to parse query string
Works for IE 6, 7, 8 9, 10, 11
USAGE - (JSFiddle Link)
var myUrl = new ParsedUrl("http://www.example.com/path?var1=123&var2=abc#fragment");
OUTPUT - (JSFiddle Link)
hash: "#fragment",
host: "www.example.com:8080",
hostname: "www.example.com",
href: "http://www.example.com:8080/path?var1=123&var2=abc#fragment",
pathname: "/path",
port: "80",
protocol: "http:",
search: "?var1=123&var2=abc"
CODE - (JSFiddle Link)
function ParsedUrl(url) {
var parser = document.createElement("a");
parser.href = url;
// IE 8 and 9 dont load the attributes "protocol" and "host" in case the source URL
// is just a pathname, that is, "/example" and not "http://www.example.com/example".
parser.href = parser.href;
// IE 7 and 6 wont load "protocol" and "host" even with the above workaround,
// so we take the protocol/host from window.location and place them manually
if (parser.host === "") {
var newProtocolAndHost = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host;
if (url.charAt(1) === "/") {
parser.href = newProtocolAndHost + url;
} else {
// the regex gets everything up to the last "/"
// /path/takesEverythingUpToAndIncludingTheLastForwardSlash/thisIsIgnored
// "/" is inserted before because IE takes it of from pathname
var currentFolder = ("/"+parser.pathname).match(/.*\//)[0];
parser.href = newProtocolAndHost + currentFolder + url;
// copies all the properties to this object
var properties = ['host', 'hostname', 'hash', 'href', 'port', 'protocol', 'search'];
for (var i = 0, n = properties.length; i < n; i++) {
this[properties[i]] = parser[properties[i]];
// pathname is special because IE takes the "/" of the starting of pathname
this.pathname = (parser.pathname.charAt(0) !== "/" ? "/" : "") + parser.pathname;
//search Params
this.searchParam = function(variable) {
var query = (this.search.indexOf('?') === 0) ? this.search.substr(1) : this.search;
var vars = query.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split('=');
if (decodeURIComponent(pair[0]) == variable) {
return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
console.log('Query variable %s not found', variable);
return '';
Use https://www.npmjs.com/package/uri-parse-lib for this
var t = parserURI("http://user:pass@example.com:8080/directory/file.ext?query=1&next=4&sed=5#anchor");
The modern way:
new URL("http://example.com/aa/bb/")
Returns an object with properties hostname
and pathname
, along with a few others.
The first argument is a relative or absolute URL; if it's relative, then you need to specify the second argument (the base URL). For example, for a URL relative to the current page:
new URL("/aa/bb/", location)
In addition to browsers, this API is also available in Node.js since v7, through require('url').URL
Here's a simple function using a regexp that imitates the a
tag behavior.
function getLocation(href) {
var match = href.match(/^(https?\:)\/\/(([^:\/?#]*)(?:\:([0-9]+))?)([\/]{0,1}[^?#]*)(\?[^#]*|)(#.*|)$/);
return match && {
href: href,
protocol: match[1],
host: match[2],
hostname: match[3],
port: match[4],
pathname: match[5],
search: match[6],
hash: match[7]
"protocol": "http:",
"host": "example.com",
"hostname": "example.com",
"port": undefined,
"pathname": "/"
"search": "",
"hash": "",
"protocol": "http:",
"host": "example.com:3000",
"hostname": "example.com",
"port": "3000",
"pathname": "/pathname/",
"search": "?search=test",
"hash": "#hash"
Here's a breakdown of the regular expression
var reURLInformation = new RegExp([
'^(https?:)//', // protocol
'(([^:/?#]*)(?::([0-9]+))?)', // host (hostname and port)
'(/{0,1}[^?#]*)', // pathname
'(\\?[^#]*|)', // search
'(#.*|)$' // hash
var match = href.match(reURLInformation);
var getLocation = function(href) {
var l = document.createElement("a");
l.href = href;
return l;
var l = getLocation("http://example.com/path");
>> "example.com"
>> "/path"