I am trying to search my bash history similarly as with CTRL-r, but to forward direction.
It has been a pain for me, when I just hit once too o
You may want to try https://github.com/dvorka/hstr which allows for "suggest box style" filtering of Bash history with (optional) metrics based ordering i.e. it is much more efficient and faster in both forward and backward directions:
It can be easily bound to Ctrl-r and/or Ctrl-s
You can search forward as well. From the bash info manual, "8.2.5 Searching for Commands in the History":
To search backward in the history for a particular string, type
. TypingC-s
searches forward through the history.
The problem with Ctrl-S however is that sometimes collides with XON/XOFF flow control (in Konsole for instance). The searching is a readline feature however, and you should be able to bind it to some other key. Update: Simpler and better is just to disable XON/XOFF by running
stty -ixon
The best trick IMHO is enabling with pgup
and pgdown
. just put that in your ~/.inputrc
"\e[5~": history-search-forward
"\e[6~": history-search-backward
logout/login, type the first letters and then pgup
or pgdown
to search throughout history
search all lines containing words, whereas history-search-forward search lines beginning with words
I usually press ESC in terminal, and then the >. It resets at least and then you could try click less too often CTRL+R.
Another solution is to use:
history | grep <searched expression>