It depends on your situations. We use Perforce and have typically have several lines of development. The trunk is considered "gold" and all development happens on branches that get merged back to the mainline when they are stable enough to integrate. This allows rejection of features that don't make the cut and can provide solid incremental capability over time that independent projects/features can pick up.
There is integration cost to the merging and catching up to new features rolled into the trunk, but you're going to suffer this pain anyway. Having everyone develop on the trunk together can lead to a wild west situation, while branching allows you to scale and choose the points at which you'd like to take the bitter integration pills. We're currently scaled to over a hundred developers on a dozen projects, each with multiple releases using the same core components, and it works pretty well.
The beauty of this is that you can do this recursively: a big feature branch can be its own trunk with other branches coming off if it. Also, final releases get a new branch to give you a place to do stable maintenance.