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心在旅途 2020-11-21 22:22

I\'m trying to aggregate a \'STRING\' field in SQLServer. I would like to find the same function LISTAGG like in Oracle .

Do you know how to do the same function or

  • 2020-11-21 22:58

    Starting in SQL Server 2017 the STRING_AGG function is available which simplifies the logic considerably:

    select FieldA, string_agg(FieldB, '') as data
    from yourtable
    group by FieldA

    See SQL Fiddle with Demo

    In SQL Server you can use FOR XML PATH to get the result:

    select distinct t1.FieldA,
      STUFF((SELECT distinct '' + t2.FieldB
             from yourtable t2
             where t1.FieldA = t2.FieldA
                FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
                ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 
            ,1,0,'') data
    from yourtable t1;

    See SQL Fiddle with Demo

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-21 23:00

    In SQL Server 2017 STRING_AGG is added:

    SELECT,STRING_AGG (, ',') AS csv
    FROM sys.tables t
    JOIN sys.columns c on t.object_id = c.object_id
    ORDER BY 1

    Also, STRING_SPLIT is usefull for the opposite case and available in SQL Server 2016

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  • 2020-11-21 23:14


    SELECT FieldA
         , GROUP_CONCAT(FieldB ORDER BY FieldB SEPARATOR ',') AS FieldBs
      FROM TableName
     GROUP BY FieldA
     ORDER BY FieldA;

    Oracle & DB2

    SELECT FieldA
         , LISTAGG(FieldB, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY FieldB) AS FieldBs
      FROM TableName
     GROUP BY FieldA
     ORDER BY FieldA;


    SELECT FieldA
         , STRING_AGG(FieldB, ',' ORDER BY FieldB) AS FieldBs
      FROM TableName
     GROUP BY FieldA
     ORDER BY FieldA;

    SQL Server

    SQL Server ≥ 2017 & Azure SQL

    SELECT FieldA
         , STRING_AGG(FieldB, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY FieldB) AS FieldBs
      FROM TableName
     GROUP BY FieldA
     ORDER BY FieldA;

    SQL Server ≤ 2016 (CTE included to encourage the DRY principle)

      WITH CTE_TableName AS (
           SELECT FieldA, FieldB
             FROM TableName)
    SELECT t0.FieldA
         , STUFF((
           SELECT ',' + t1.FieldB
             FROM CTE_TableName t1
            WHERE t1.FieldA = t0.FieldA
            ORDER BY t1.FieldB
              FOR XML PATH('')), 1, LEN(','), '') AS FieldBs
      FROM CTE_TableName t0
     GROUP BY t0.FieldA
     ORDER BY FieldA;


    Ordering requires a CTE or subquery

      WITH CTE_TableName AS (
           SELECT FieldA, FieldB
             FROM TableName
            ORDER BY FieldA, FieldB)
    SELECT FieldA
         , GROUP_CONCAT(FieldB, ',') AS FieldBs
      FROM CTE_TableName
     GROUP BY FieldA
     ORDER BY FieldA;

    Without ordering

    SELECT FieldA
         , GROUP_CONCAT(FieldB, ',') AS FieldBs
      FROM TableName
     GROUP BY FieldA
     ORDER BY FieldA;
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-21 23:25

    This might be useful to someone also ..

    i.e. For a data analyst and data profiling type of purposes ..(i.e. not grouped by) ..

    Prior to the SQL*Server 2017 String_agg function existence ..

    (i.e. returns just one row ..)

    select distinct
    stuff(( select distinct ',' + [FieldB] from tablename order by 1 FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 
    ,1,0,'' ) 

    e.g. returns comma separated values A,B

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