I wrote a simple little maze game for a terminal which repeatedly asks the user to do something (e.g. \"In which direction would you like to go? [N/E/S/W]\"). I have a
Your text based game has a loop that repeatedly asks questions to gather user input. Swing provides this loop for you by continually executing Runnable
blocks of code that have been posted to the EventQueue. For example, when the user presses a button labeled E, code is posted to the queue that invokes your ActionEvent
implementation to handle your game's interpretation of the move east
For reference, a complete example of a very simple guessing game is examined here. In pseudocode, the corresponding text based game might look like this:
prompt "Guess what color!"
get chosenColor
if chosenColor = actualColor
say "You win!"
reset game
say "Keep trying."
end loop
A more elaborate game cited there includes the original text-based source.