I have a table that contains:
id seller_id amount created_at
1 10 100 2017-06-01 00:00:00
2 15 250 2017-06-01 00:00:00
This worked:
DB::table('snapshot as s')
->leftJoin('snapshot as s1', function ($join) {
$join->on('s.seller_id', '=', 's1.seller_id');
$join->on('s.created_at', '<', 's1.created_at');
To get latest record for each seller_id you can use following query
select s.*
from snapshot s
left join snapshot s1 on s.seller_id = s1.seller_id
and s.created_at < s1.created_at
where s1.seller_id is null
Using query builder you might rewrite it as
DB::table('snapshot as s')
->leftJoin('snapshot as s1', function ($join) {
$join->on('s.seller_id', '=', 's1.seller_id')
->whereRaw(DB::raw('s.created_at < s1.created_at'));