I have an array of dictionaries and I want to sort them alphabetically by the \"itemName\" key in each dictionary. How can I do this in Swift?
I want to sort the ite
I have an array of dictionaries and i am sorting my array with alphabetically by the "firstname" key in each dictionary. You can also sort your array by just putting your array name in this code and your keyName
let descriptor: NSSortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: "firstname", ascending: true, selector: #selector(NSString.caseInsensitiveCompare(_:)))
let sortedResults: NSArray = yourArrayName.sortedArrayUsingDescriptors([descriptor])
self.user_Array = NSMutableArray(array: sortedResults)
Hopefully it helps you.
You can resort to NSArray
's sortUsingDescriptors
let sortedArray = (itemsArray as NSArray).sortedArrayUsingDescriptors([NSSortDescriptor(key: "itemName", ascending: true)]) as [[String:AnyObject]]
Swift > 3
let sortedArray = (itemsArray as NSArray).sortedArray(using: [NSSortDescriptor(key: "itemName", ascending: true)]) as! [[String:AnyObject]]
Not very Swift-ish, and you lose the type safety, but it does it's job.
And btw, you have a lot of forced casts in your code, which have the potential of crashing your app, you should consider switching to optional ones instead.
'$' /// items is array of dictionary /*
let items: [[String: Any]] = [
["itemName":"ZZ_Item", "itemDescription":"Homer"],
["itemName":"AA_Item", "itemDescription":"Marge"],
["itemName":"VV_Item", "itemDescription":"Bart"],
["itemName":"BB_Item", "itemDescription":"Lisa"],
["itemName":"XY_Item", "itemDescription":"Maggie"],
["itemName":"CC_Item", "itemDescription":"Ned"]
*/ /// O/P un_sorted array
/// [["itemName": "ZZ_Item", "itemDescription": "Homer"], ["itemName": "AA_Item", "itemDescription": "Marge"], ["itemName": "VV_Item", "itemDescription": "Bart"], ["itemName": "BB_Item", "itemDescription": "Lisa"], ["itemName": "XY_Item", "itemDescription": "Maggie"], ["itemName": "CC_Item", "itemDescription": "Ned"]]
/// sort array by itemsName key
func itemsSort(p1:[String:Any], p2:[String:Any]) -> Bool {
guard let s1 = p1["itemName"] as? String, let s2 = p2["itemName"] as? String else {
return false
return s1 < s2
let sortedItemsArray = items.sorted { itemsSort(p1:$0, p2:$1) }
//// O/P sorted array
[["itemName": "AA_Item", "itemDescription": "Marge"], ["itemName": "BB_Item", "itemDescription": "Lisa"], ["itemName": "CC_Item", "itemDescription": "Ned"], ["itemName": "VV_Item", "itemDescription": "Bart"], ["itemName": "XY_Item", "itemDescription": "Maggie"], ["itemName": "ZZ_Item", "itemDescription": "Homer"]]
Probably something like this, using sort
let sortedArray = itemsArray.sort { $0["itemName"] < $1["itemName"] }
where "$0" and "$1" represent respectively, in the array, each dictionary and its successor.
If the compiler complains about the types because it doesn't know that the value for this key is a String, you can cast like this (as said by @Cristik in the comments):
let sortedArray = itemsArray.sort { ($0["itemName"] as? String) < ($1["itemName"] as? String) }
This worked for me:
let descriptor: NSSortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: "itemName", ascending: true)
let sortedResults: NSArray = favArray.sortedArray(using: [descriptor]) as NSArray