I have some binary data which is in Python in the form of an array of byte strings.
Is there a portable way to serialize this data that other languages could read?
If you just need the binary data in the strings and can recover the boundaries between the individual strings easily, you could just write them to a file directly, as raw strings.
If you can't recover the string boundaries easily, JSON seems like a good option:
a = [b"abc\xf3\x9c\xc6", b"xyz"]
serialised = json.dumps([s.decode("latin1") for s in a])
print [s.encode("latin1") for s in json.loads(serialised)]
will print
['abc\xf3\x9c\xc6', 'xyz']
The trick here is that arbitrary binary strings are valid latin1
, so they can always be decoded to Unicode and encoded back to the original string again.