When logging in C#, how can I learn the name of the method that called the current method? I know all about System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()
, but
As of .NET 4.5 you can use Caller Information Attributes:
CallerMemberName - Member that called the function.
public void WriteLine(
[CallerFilePath] string callerFilePath = "",
[CallerLineNumber] long callerLineNumber = 0,
[CallerMemberName] string callerMember= "")
"Caller File Path: {0}, Caller Line Number: {1}, Caller Member: {2}",
This facility is also present in ".NET Core" and ".NET Standard".
StackFrame caller = (new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace()).GetFrame(1);
string methodName = caller.GetMethod().Name;
will be enough, I think.
We can also use lambda's in order to find the caller.
Suppose you have a method defined by you:
public void MethodA()
* Method code here
and you want to find it's caller.
1. Change the method signature so we have a parameter of type Action (Func will also work):
public void MethodA(Action helperAction)
* Method code here
2. Lambda names are not generated randomly. The rule seems to be: > <CallerMethodName>__X where CallerMethodName is replaced by the previous function and X is an index.
private MethodInfo GetCallingMethodInfo(string funcName)
return GetType().GetMethod(
funcName.IndexOf(">", 1, StringComparison.Ordinal) - 1)
3. When we call MethodA the Action/Func parameter has to be generated by the caller method. Example:
MethodA(() => {});
4. Inside MethodA we can now call the helper function defined above and find the MethodInfo of the caller method.
MethodInfo callingMethodInfo = GetCallingMethodInfo(serverCall.Method.Name);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the call that occurred just before the "GetCallingMethod".
/// </summary>
public static string GetCallingMethod()
return GetCallingMethod("GetCallingMethod");
/// <summary>
/// Returns the call that occurred just before the the method specified.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="MethodAfter">The named method to see what happened just before it was called. (case sensitive)</param>
/// <returns>The method name.</returns>
public static string GetCallingMethod(string MethodAfter)
string str = "";
StackTrace st = new StackTrace();
StackFrame[] frames = st.GetFrames();
for (int i = 0; i < st.FrameCount - 1; i++)
if (frames[i].GetMethod().Name.Equals(MethodAfter))
if (!frames[i + 1].GetMethod().Name.Equals(MethodAfter)) // ignores overloaded methods.
str = frames[i + 1].GetMethod().ReflectedType.FullName + "." + frames[i + 1].GetMethod().Name;
catch (Exception) { ; }
return str;
Extra information to Firas Assaad answer.
I have used new StackFrame(1).GetMethod().Name;
in .net core 2.1 with dependency injection and I am getting calling method as 'Start'.
I tried with [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string callerName = ""
and it gives me correct calling method
Another approach I have used is to add a parameter to the method in question. For example, instead of void Foo()
, use void Foo(string context)
. Then pass in some unique string that indicates the calling context.
If you only need the caller/context for development, you can remove the param
before shipping.