I am not really sure why its showing the default route once I did a query param change. Is there a better approach for this kind of issue? maybe I shouldn\'t be using query
React router from v4 onwards no longer gives you the query params in its location object. The reason being
There are a number of popular packages that do query string parsing/stringifying
slightly differently, and each of these differences might be the "correct"
way for some users and "incorrect"
for others. If React Router
picked the "right"
one, it would only be right for some people. Then, it would need to add a way for other users to substitute in their preferred query parsing package. There is no internal use of the search string by React Router that requires it to parse the key-value pairs, so it doesn't have a need to pick which one of these should be "right".
Having included that, It would just make more sense to just parse location.search
in your view components that are expecting a query object.
You can do this generically by overriding the withRouter from react-router like
import { compose, withPropsOnChange } from 'recompose';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router';
import queryString from 'query-string';
const propsWithQuery = withPropsOnChange(
['location', 'match'],
({ location, match }) => {
return {
location: {
query: queryString.parse(location.search)
export default compose(withRouter, propsWithQuery)
and wherever you need query string, you could simply use it like
import withRouter from 'path/to/customWithRouter.js';
class Home extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
step: 1,
this.next = this.next.bind(this);
next(stepNumber=1) {
pathname: `/adamchenwei/pen/YeJBxY?editors=0011&step=${stepNumber}`,
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { // using componentDidUpdate because componentWillReceiveProps will be renamed to UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps from v16.3.0 and later removed
const {query: { step } } = this.props.history.location;
if(!_.isEqual(this.props.history.location.query, prevProps.history.location.query)) {
render() {
const {
} = this.state;
<h1>Welcome to the Tornadoes Website!</h1>
<button onClick={()=> this.next(1)} > Step 1</button>
<button onClick={()=> this.next(2)} > Step 2</button>
step === 1 ? <h1>Step 1 here</h1> : null
step === 2 ? <h1>Step 2 here</h1> : null
const HomeWithQuery = withRouter(Home);
// A lose explanation. URL = localhost:3000/myRoute/2
<Router history={history}>
<Route path="/myRoute/:id" component={App} />
class App extends Component {
render() {
const { id } = this.props.match.params
return (
{id === 2 ? <div>id is 2</div> : <div>id not 2</div>}