I have a list:
[\'Jack\', 18, \'IM-101\', 99.9]
How do I filter it to get only the integers from it??
I tried
Use filter:
filter(lambda e: isinstance(e, int), x)
In case the list contains integers that are formatted as str
, the list comprehension would not work.
['Jack', '18', 'IM-101', '99.9']
I figured out the following alternative solution for that case:
list_of_numbers = []
for el in your_list:
except ValueError:
You can find more details about this solution in this post, containing a similar question.
Use list comprehension
>>> t = ['Jack', 18, 'IM-101', 99.9]
>>> [x for x in t if type(x) == type(1)]
map(int, x) throws an error
map function applies int(t) on every element of x.
This throws an error because int('Jack') will throw an error.
Also isinstance is purer way of checking that it is of type integer, as sukhbir says.
>>> x = ['Jack', 18, 'IM-101', 99.9]
>>> [e for e in x if isinstance(e, int)]