I\'m trying to unpivot a table with a large number of columns in the format of:
PID UID col1 col2 col3...
The dynamic SQL below will get me
You can reference the column name from the val for col in
part of the unpivot. Col gets the column name
Example Fiddle
-- Build list of cols we want to unpivot (skip PID & UID)
declare @cols nvarchar(max)
select @cols = coalesce(@cols+N',', N'') + quotename(c.name) from syscolumns c
inner join sysobjects o on c.id = o.id and o.xtype = 'u'
where o.name = 'MyTable' and c.name not in ('PID', 'UID') order by c.colid
declare @query nvarchar(max)
select @query = N'
select PID, [UID], Col as ID, Val
select PID, UID, ' + @cols + '
from MyTable
where UID <> 0
) as cp
Val for Col in (' + @cols + ')
) as up
exec sp_executesql @query