Recently i have integreted the FCM in my app recent version but my previous version of app was using GCM. Any ideas about whether we need to segregate the write the backgrou
I have working code in my project, you can try it using Firebase of google: Firebase Tutorial
$notification_send ="Message to be sent";
$server_key = '****************************';//Authorization Key
$client = new Client();
$client->injectGuzzleHttpClient(new \GuzzleHttp\Client());
$message = new Message();
$message->addRecipient(new Topic('test'));
->setNotification(new Notification('Reislivsmessen', $notification_send ))
->setData(['key' => 'value']);
$response = $client->send($message);
You have to create topic, here it's "test".
I hope it works for you too.
FCM is still compatible with GCM, seeing as it is it's core. So switching to the FCM endpoint ( when sending your notification should still work for your app versions that have GCM. No need to write separate programs.