Looking into javascript types I\'m trying to find out what the maximum storage size for some data types are. For instance, I set up a quick recursive algo to increase var si
ECMA section 6.1.4 is explicit about this.
"The String type is the set of all ordered sequences of zero or more 16-bit unsigned integer values (“elements”) up to a maximum length of 2^53-1 elements"
As you already stated, the specification does not state any size limits / requirements for types besides Number
So this is definitally left to the implementation.
For example, Chrome's limit on strings seems to be hard coded at around 512mb (and less on 32bit).
This puts a limit on the maximally possible allocation request in 32-bit versions of 2^27-1. The maximal flat string length is ~2^28 (512MB space), and the maximal string length is 2^29-1, so neither of these limits catch the problem (we would throw an Out-Of-Memory exception instead if they did).
See: http://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=362#c9
As far as the other browsers go, this would need some research e.g. looking into Firefox's code. But I doubt we can do the same for IE / Opera.
I have listed some typical limits for strings in another answer. Basically, you are in safe territory up to a string length of 227 characters.