how do i pass 2 denominational array object as a parameter to another activity
how to get two dimensional array string value in another activity
You can use putSerializable. Arrays are serializable.
To store:
bundle.putSerializable("list", selected_list);
// Here bundle is Bundle object.
To access:
String[][] passedString_list = (String[][]) bundle.getSerializable("list");
Intent mIntent = new Intent(this, Example.class);
Bundle mBundle = new Bundle();
mBundle.putSerializable("list", selected_list);
one Solution is that you can set it as Static so that you can use that in any of your activity.
Class A{
public static String [][]str;
Intent l = new Intent(context,AgAppMenu.class);
Class B{
you can use it with Just A.(ArrayName)
Hope it will Help you.
This finally works well for me :
To start a new activity (sending String[][] and String):
String[][] arrayToSend=new String[3][30];
String stringToSend="Hello";
Intent i = new Intent(this, NewActivity.class);
Bundle mBundle = new Bundle();
mBundle.putSerializable("key_array_array", arrayToSend);
To access in NewActivity.onCreate:
String sReceived=getIntent().getExtras().getString("key_string");
String[][] arrayReceived=null;
Object[] objectArray = (Object[]) getIntent().getExtras().getSerializable("key_array_array");
arrayReceived = new String[objectArray.length][];
for(int i=0;i<objectArray.length;i++){
arrayReceived[i]=(String[]) objectArray[i];
set the 2darray as public static void. let current_class be the class in which we create our 2d array We want to pass the data to NewActivity
Class<?> ourClass=Class.forName("com.example.testapp.NewActivity");
Intent ourIntent= new Intent(current_class.this,ourClass);
intent_name.putExtra("name", 2darray_name);
to access this in NewActivity , use current_class.2darray_name where current_class is the class where it was originally defined.
You may define a custom class which implements Parcelable
and contains logic to read and write 2-dimensional-array from/to Parcel. Afterwards, put that parcelable object inside Bundle
for transportation.