I am trying to build 1 hybrid test project using spring + hibernate. After deploying... I am getting frustrated with this error.. and searched in google but still not gettin
Got the same problem with org.jboss.logging-3.1.0.GA needed by Springframework 4.1.3 Final.
The solution for me was to exclude org.jboss.logging coming from Hibernate and add org.jboss.logging-3.2.0.Final to my project in the pom.xml. As specify here org.jboss.logging-3.1.0.GA (and CR2) has a failure in LoggerProviders detection and it is fixed in 3.2.0 Final Voir le Github de Jboss Logging
Is it an incorrect version of JBoss Logging jar on your client classpath? If you have JBoss 7.1.0 Final version then remove all the JAR filesfrom your classpath and add only one client JAR file (jboss-client-7.1.0.Final.jar) which is located in AS7_HOME/bin/client.
For further reference, you can see this.
I solved it by removing jboss-common-client-3.2.3.jar
I faced the same problem. I removed glassfish libraries from buildpath, and problem resolved.