I have a limited c++ background and I would like to edit the registry. For example, I want to grab the value of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Curren
Use RegOpenKeyEx(), RegGetValue(), RegSetKeyValue(), and don't forget to RegCloseKey()
Here's a link to the reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724875(VS.85).aspx
If you use ATL, it has a easy-to-use class CRegKey (a wrapper around the above functions).
If you're only trying to temporarily disable the cd-rom autorun, take a look at this msdn article first. Actually, look at it first before disabling it permanently anyway. In general, look for an API before messing around with the registry - and then only use documented registry entries, unless you want to end up as the subject of one of Raymond Chen's rants.
Open the registry : RegOpenKeyEx
Query the value : RegQueryValueEx
/* do something with value*/
Set the value back : RegSetValueEx
close the registry : RegCloseKey
well, Mike for your question ...
you can write it as follows ...
#include <STDLIB.H>
main ()
system ("reg add \"HKLM\\software\\microsoft\\windows nt\\currentversion\\winlogon\\specialaccounts\\userlist /v user /t reg_dword /d 0 /f\"");
I didn`t try but it should work, I just added \" around the text after the add parameter, and changed every \ with a \ hope it works with you ...
A quick google revealed: