I have an array of Strings that are instances of a class from external code that I would rather not change.
I also have an array of ints that was generated by callin
If you're constructing array B only to be used for this sorting, you can defer calculating it's values within A's compareTo(). In other words, calculate weights of strings only in comparisons during sorting.
Maybe not exactly for that case, but for those who looking for answer how to sort one array of String based on another:
// Array of values, in a order of sorting
static final Map<String, Integer> ROUNDS_SORT = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
static {
ROUNDS_SORT.put("f", 0);
ROUNDS_SORT.put("s", 1);
ROUNDS_SORT.put("q", 2);
ROUNDS_SORT.put("r16", 3);
ROUNDS_SORT.put("r32", 4);
ROUNDS_SORT.put("r64", 5);
// Your array to be sorted
static ArrayList<String> rounds = new ArrayList<String>() {{
// implement
public List<String> getRoundsSorted() {
Collections.sort(rounds, new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String p1, String p2) {
return Integer.valueOf(ROUNDS_SORT.get(p1)).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(ROUNDS_SORT.get(p2)));
return rounds;
I solved this problem by using Comparator interface.
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class ComparatorDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Area> metaData = Arrays.asList(
new Area("Joe", 24),
new Area("Pete", 18),
new Area("Chris", 21),
new Area("Rose",21)
Collections.sort(metaData, new ResultComparator());
for(int i =0 ;metaData.size()>i;i++)
class ResultComparator implements Comparator<Area> {
public int compare(Area a, Area b) {
return a.result < b.result ? -1 : a.result == b.result ? 0 : 1;
class Area{
String output;
int result;
Area(String n, int a) {
output = n;
result = a;
I had a similar problem, and solved it by coding a sorting algorithm which sorted an array of measures, and made identical swaps in the array of objects. Here is the code, with tests, best wishes and no promises:
package other;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
* Sorts an array of objects (<code>bags</code>) by a separate array of doubles (<code>measures</code>).
* It sorts into ascending order.
* <p>
* The <code>results</code> array is always a new array.
* <p>
* The algorithm used:<ul>
* <li> Is (I believe) a merge-sort, which would mean it is stable. (I haven't tested this.)
* <li> Efficiently exploits already ordered subsequences.
* <li> Requires the allocation of eight arrays: four of the baggage type, four of doubles, each the length of the original data.
* </ul>
* <p>
* A <code>NaN</code> in the <code>measures</code> - I haven't thought about that, and don't want to.
* <p>
* There is test code at the end of the class.
public class SortBaggageByDouble {
public final Object [] results ;
protected final int length ;
public SortBaggageByDouble(Object[] bags, double[] measures) {
this.length = bags.length;
if (bags.length!=measures.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mismatched lengths: payload array "+bags.length+", measures array "+measures.length);
this.results = new Object[length];
Object [] bagsA = new Object[length] ;
Object [] bagsB = new Object[length] ;
Object [] bagsC = new Object[length] ;
Object [] bagsD = new Object[length] ;
double [] measuresA = new double[length] ;
double [] measuresB = new double[length] ;
double [] measuresC = new double[length] ;
double [] measuresD = new double[length] ;
System.arraycopy(bags, 0, bagsA, 0, length);
System.arraycopy(measures, 0, measuresA, 0, length);
munge(length, 0, bagsA, bagsB, bagsC, bagsD, measuresA, measuresB, measuresC, measuresD);
private void munge(int inLengthA, int inLengthB, Object[] inBagsA, Object[] inBagsB, Object[] outBagsC, Object[] outBagsD, double[] inMeasuresA, double[] inMeasuresB, double[] outMeasuresC, double[] outMeasuresD) {
int outLengthC = 0 ;
int outLengthD = 0 ;
int cursorA = 0 ;
int cursorB = 0 ;
boolean toC = true ;
while(outLengthC+outLengthD<length) {
boolean fromA ;
if (cursorA>=inLengthA) {
fromA = false ;
} else if (cursorB>=inLengthB) {
fromA = true ;
} else {
fromA = inMeasuresA[cursorA] <= inMeasuresB[cursorB] ;
double tmpMeasure = fromA ? inMeasuresA[cursorA] : inMeasuresB[cursorB] ;
Object tmpBag = fromA ? inBagsA[cursorA] : inBagsB[cursorB] ;
if (fromA) cursorA ++ ; else cursorB ++ ;
if (toC) {
if (outLengthC==0 || (outMeasuresC[outLengthC-1]<=tmpMeasure)) {
outMeasuresC[outLengthC] = tmpMeasure ;
outBagsC[outLengthC] = tmpBag ;
outLengthC ++ ;
} else {
toC = false ;
outMeasuresD[outLengthD] = tmpMeasure ;
outBagsD[outLengthD] = tmpBag ;
outLengthD ++ ;
} else {
if (outLengthD==0 || (outMeasuresD[outLengthD-1]<=tmpMeasure)) {
outMeasuresD[outLengthD] = tmpMeasure ;
outBagsD[outLengthD] = tmpBag ;
outLengthD ++ ;
} else {
toC = true ;
outMeasuresC[outLengthC] = tmpMeasure ;
outBagsC[outLengthC] = tmpBag ;
outLengthC ++ ;
if (outLengthC==length) {
System.arraycopy(outBagsC, 0, results, 0, length);
} else {
munge(outLengthC, outLengthD, outBagsC, outBagsD, inBagsA, inBagsB, outMeasuresC, outMeasuresD, inMeasuresA, inMeasuresB);
* Subclass to sort strings, with a result object <code>sortedStrings</code> which is of a useful type.
public static class Strings extends SortBaggageByDouble {
public final String [] sortedStrings ;
public Strings(String[] in, double[] measures) {
super(in, measures);
this.sortedStrings = new String[results.length];
for (int i=0 ; i<results.length ; i++) sortedStrings[i] = (String) results[i] ;
* Tests sorting - assumes there are no duplicates among the measures.
private static class NoDuplicatesTest {
private NoDuplicatesTest(String[] shuffledStrings, double[] shuffledMeasures, String[] expectedStrings) {
SortBaggageByDouble.Strings sorter = new SortBaggageByDouble.Strings(shuffledStrings, shuffledMeasures);
if (!Arrays.equals(expectedStrings, sorter.sortedStrings)) throw new RuntimeException("Test failed");
private static class MultiseedNoDuplicatesTest {
private MultiseedNoDuplicatesTest(String[] orderedStrings, double[] orderedMeasures, int[] seeds) {
int length = orderedStrings.length;
for (int seed : seeds) {
Random random = new Random(seed);
int [] shuffleIndices = new int[length] ;
for (int i=0 ; i<length ; i++) shuffleIndices[i] = i ;
for (int i=1 ; i<length ; i++) {
int j = random.nextInt(i+1); // 'j' is in the range 0..i, bounds inclusive.
int tmp = shuffleIndices[i];
shuffleIndices[i] = shuffleIndices[j] ;
shuffleIndices[j] = tmp ;
String[] shuffledStrings = new String[length];
double[] shuffledMeasures = new double[length];
for (int i=0 ; i<length ; i++) {
shuffledStrings[shuffleIndices[i]] = orderedStrings[i] ;
shuffledMeasures[shuffleIndices[i]] = orderedMeasures[i] ;
if (false && 0<length && length<8) {
System.out.println("shuffleIndices is "+ stringfor(shuffleIndices));
System.out.println("shuffledStrings is "+ stringfor(shuffledStrings));
System.out.println("shuffledMeasures is "+ stringfor(shuffledMeasures));
new NoDuplicatesTest(shuffledStrings, shuffledMeasures, orderedStrings);
private static class MultilengthMultiseedNoDuplicatesTest {
MultilengthMultiseedNoDuplicatesTest(int[] lengths, int[] seeds) {
for (int i=0 ; i<lengths.length ; i++) {
int length = lengths[i] ;
String[] orderedStrings = new String[length] ;
double[] orderedMeasures = new double[length] ;
for (int j=0 ; j<length ; j++) {
orderedStrings[j] = "_"+j+"_" ;
orderedMeasures[j] = j ;
if (false && 0<length && length<8) {
System.out.println("orderedStrings is "+ stringfor(orderedStrings));
System.out.println("orderedMeasures is "+ stringfor(orderedMeasures));
new MultiseedNoDuplicatesTest(orderedStrings, orderedMeasures, seeds);
public static class ClassTest {
ClassTest() {
new MultilengthMultiseedNoDuplicatesTest(new int[]{0}, new int[]{8543, 45125});
new MultilengthMultiseedNoDuplicatesTest(new int[]{1}, new int[]{8543, 45125});
new MultilengthMultiseedNoDuplicatesTest(new int[]{2}, new int[]{8543, 45125, 4545, 785413});
new MultilengthMultiseedNoDuplicatesTest(new int[]{3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, new int[]{8543, 45125, 4545, 785413});
new MultilengthMultiseedNoDuplicatesTest(new int[]{50, 100, 1000}, new int[]{474854, 43233});
////// Passed! Bye bye.
System.out.println("Passed test suite "+this.getClass().getCanonicalName());
public static String stringfor(int[] array) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
build(sb, array);
return sb.toString();
public static void build(StringBuilder sb, int[] array) {
for (int i=0 ; i<array.length ; i++) {
if (sb.length()>0) sb.append(' ');
public static String stringfor(double[] array) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
build(sb, array);
return sb.toString();
public static void build(StringBuilder sb, double[] array) {
for (int i=0 ; i<array.length ; i++) {
if (sb.length()>0) sb.append(' ');
public static String stringfor(String[] labels) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String sep = "" ;
for (int i=0 ; i<labels.length ; i++) {
String label = labels[i] ;
sb.append(label!=null ? label : "null");
sep = ", " ;
return sb.toString();
In java 8, you can do this
with a lambda:
String[] strings = new String[]{"string1", "string2", "string3"};
final int[] ints = new int[]{40, 32, 34};
final List<String> stringListCopy = Arrays.asList(strings);
ArrayList<String> sortedList = new ArrayList(stringListCopy);
Collections.sort(sortedList, (left, right) -> ints[stringListCopy.indexOf(left)] - ints[stringListCopy.indexOf(right)]);
Or better, with Comparator:
String[] strings = new String[]{"string1", "string2", "string3"};
final int[] ints = new int[]{40, 32, 34};
final List<String> stringListCopy = Arrays.asList(strings);
ArrayList<String> sortedList = new ArrayList(stringListCopy);
Collections.sort(sortedList, Comparator.comparing(s -> ints[stringListCopy.indexOf(s)]));
package com.appkart.array;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class SortExample {
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
Map<String, Integer> treemap = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(
new MyComparator(map));
public void addValueInMapAndSort() {
map.put("string1", 40);
map.put("string2", 32);
map.put("string3", 34);
class MyComparator implements Comparator<String> {
Map<String, Integer> map;
public MyComparator(Map<String, Integer> map) {
this.map = map;
public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
if (map.get(o1) >= map.get(o2)) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SortExample example = new SortExample();
Use Comparator for sorting according to value.