I am trying to navigate to description page of California website http://kepler.sos.ca.gov/. but unable to go .
Then,I have a html form, on which I am submitting re
This is the exact same code as posted above in the accepted answer, except that it reflects the changes California made to their website after the original answer was posted. So as of my writing this, this code works. I've updated original comments, identifying any changes.
// * Connect to website (Orignal url: http://kepler.sos.ca.gov/)
String url = "https://businesssearch.sos.ca.gov/";
Connection.Response resp = Jsoup.connect(url) //
.timeout(30000) //
.method(Connection.Method.GET) //
// * Find the form (Original jsoup selector: from#aspnetForm)
Document responseDocument = resp.parse();
Element potentialForm = responseDocument.select("form#formSearch").first();
checkElement("form element", potentialForm);
FormElement form = (FormElement) potentialForm;
// * Fill in the form and submit it
// ** Search Type (Original jsoup selector: name$=RadioButtonList_SearchType)
Element radioButtonListSearchType = form.select("name$=SearchType]").first();
checkElement("search type radio button list", radioButtonListSearchType);
radioButtonListSearchType.attr("checked", "checked");
// ** Name search (Original jsoup selector: name$=TextBox_NameSearch)
Element textBoxNameSearch = form.select("[name$=SearchCriteria]").first();
checkElement("name search text box", textBoxNameSearch);
// ** Submit the form
Document searchResults = form.submit().cookies(resp.cookies()).post();
// * Extract results (entity numbers in this sample code, orignal jsoup selector: id$=SearchResults_Corp)
for (Element entityNumber : searchResults.select("table[id$=enitityTable] > tbody > tr > td:first-of-type:not(td[colspan=5])")) {
You want to use FormElement. This is a useful feature of Jsoup. It is able to find the fields declared inside a form and post them for you. Before posting the form you can set the value of the fields using Jsoup API.
In the sample codes below, you'll always see calls to the Element#select method followed by a call to Elements#first method.
For example :
Jsoup 1.11.1 has introduced a more efficient alternative : Element#selectFirst. You can use it as a direct replacement of the original alternative.
For example:
can be replaced by
// * Connect to website
String url = "http://kepler.sos.ca.gov/";
Connection.Response resp = Jsoup.connect(url) //
.timeout(30000) //
.method(Connection.Method.GET) //
// * Find the form
Document responseDocument = resp.parse();
Element potentialForm = responseDocument.select("form#aspnetForm").first();
checkElement("form element", potentialForm);
FormElement form = (FormElement) potentialForm;
// * Fill in the form and submit it
// ** Search Type
Element radioButtonListSearchType = form.select("[name$=RadioButtonList_SearchType]").first();
checkElement("search type radio button list", radioButtonListSearchType);
radioButtonListSearchType.attr("checked", "checked");
// ** Name search
Element textBoxNameSearch = form.select("[name$=TextBox_NameSearch]").first();
checkElement("name search text box", textBoxNameSearch);
// ** Submit the form
Document searchResults = form.submit().cookies(resp.cookies()).post();
// * Extract results (entity numbers in this sample code)
for (Element entityNumber : searchResults.select("table[id$=SearchResults_Corp] > tbody > tr > td:first-of-type:not(td[colspan=5])")) {
public static void checkElement(String name, Element elem) {
if (elem == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find " + name);
In this example, we will log into the GitHub website by using the FormElement class.
// # Constants used in this example
final String USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36";
final String LOGIN_FORM_URL = "https://github.com/login";
final String USERNAME = "yourUsername";
final String PASSWORD = "yourPassword";
// # Go to login page
Connection.Response loginFormResponse = Jsoup.connect(LOGIN_FORM_URL)
// # Fill the login form
// ## Find the form first...
FormElement loginForm = (FormElement)loginFormResponse.parse()
.select("div#login > form").first();
checkElement("Login Form", loginForm);
// ## ... then "type" the username ...
Element loginField = loginForm.select("#login_field").first();
checkElement("Login Field", loginField);
// ## ... and "type" the password
Element passwordField = loginForm.select("#password").first();
checkElement("Password Field", passwordField);
// # Now send the form for login
Connection.Response loginActionResponse = loginForm.submit()
public static void checkElement(String name, Element elem) {
if (elem == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find " + name);
All the form data is handled by the FormElement class for us (even the form method detection). A ready made Connection is built when invoking the FormElement#submit method. All we have to do is to complete this connection with addional headers (cookies, user-agent etc) and execute it.