Cypher Neo4J - CASE Expression with MERGE

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伪装坚强ぢ 2020-11-30 11:25

I\'m trying to implement the logic in Cypher where, based on a particular condition (CASE Statement), I would create some nodes and relationships; the code is

  • 2020-11-30 12:07

    To do conditional write operations you need to use the FOREACH trick. Using CASE you either return a one element array or a empty one. FOREACH iterates over the CASE expression and therefore conditionally executes the action. If you want an ELSE part as well you need to have a another FOREACH using the inverse condition in the CASE. As an example, instead of

    WHEN 'y' THEN
       MERGE (u)-[r2:STAGE {startdate:20141225, enddate:'99999999', status:'InProgress'}]->(b2     {fork:'fail'}) RETURN 1
        MERGE (u)-[r2:STAGE {startdate:20141225, enddate:'99999999', status:'InProgress'}]->(b2)   RETURN 2


    FOREACH(ignoreMe IN CASE WHEN 'y' THEN [1] ELSE [] END | 
        MERGE (u)-[r2:STAGE {startdate:20141225, enddate:'99999999', status:'InProgress'}]->(b2 {fork:'fail'})
    FOREACH(ignoreMe IN CASE WHEN NOT 'y' THEN [1] ELSE [] END | 
        MERGE (u)-[r2:STAGE {startdate:20141225, enddate:'99999999', status:'InProgress'}]->(b2)

    See also Mark's blog post on this.

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  • 2020-11-30 12:08

    The APOC plugin supports Conditional Cypher Execution, which now allows us to avoid the FOREACH workaround.

    For example, you can do this:

    MATCH (g:Game)-[:PLAYER]->(u:User)-[r1:AT]->(b1:Block)-[:NEXT]->(b2:Block) 
    WHERE g.game_id='G222' AND u.email_id = '' AND b1.block_id='16' 
    SET r1.status='Skipped', r1.enddate=20141225
    WITH u, b2, g
      b2.fork = 'y',
      "MERGE (u)-[:STAGE {startdate:20141225, enddate:'99999999', status:'InProgress'}]->(b2     {fork:'fail'})",
      "MERGE (u)-[:STAGE {startdate:20141225, enddate:'99999999', status:'InProgress'}]->(b2)",
      {u: u, b2: b2}) YIELD value
    WITH u, g
    MATCH (u)-[:TIME]->(h:Time)<-[:TIME]-(g)
    SET h.after = 0
    SET h.before = h.before + 1
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-30 12:13

    Fixed the issue as below

    WITH u, b2,b1, g, r1, CASE  WHEN (b1.fork='y' and b2.fork='success') or (b1.fork='n') or   (b1.fork='success') THEN ['ok'] ELSE [] END as array1
    FOREACH (el1 in array1 | MERGE (u)-[r2:STAGE {startdate:20141225, enddate:99999999, status:'InProgress'}]->(b2))

    i.e. used CASE WHEN to create a dummy array that in a way has dummy elements matching the count of matches and then use FOREACH to iterate through the result.

    Again, thanks Stefan for the idea...


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  • 2020-11-30 12:13

    Although this answer does help me, I found the syntax very hard to understand. So that's why I wrote my own answer. Here I read a tsv file and generate multiple types of edges.

    WITH r.movie_id as movie_id, r.person_id as person_id, r.category as category
    MATCH (p:Person {person_id:person_id})
    MATCH (m:Movie {movie_id:movie_id})
    FOREACH (_ IN CASE WHEN category='actress' THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
      MERGE (p)-[:ACTRESS {}]->(m)
    FOREACH (_ IN CASE WHEN category='director' THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
      MERGE (p)-[:DIRECTOR {}]->(m)
    FOREACH (_ IN CASE WHEN category='cinematographer' THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
      MERGE (p)-[:CINEMATOGRAPHER {}]->(m)
    FOREACH (_ IN CASE WHEN category='actor' THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
      MERGE (p)-[:ACTOR {}]->(m)

    Here _ is some variable which is simply not used anywhere but a necessity for the syntax of cypher

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