If I have a tuple with different element types like
And how to get the index of a element type?
template< size_t I, typename T, typename Tuple_t>
constexpr size_t index_in_tuple_fn(){
static_assert(I < std::tuple_size<Tuple_t>::value,"The element is not in the tuple");
typedef typename std::tuple_element<I,Tuple_t>::type el;
if constexpr(std::is_same<T,el>::value ){
return I;
return index_in_tuple_fn<I+1,T,Tuple_t>();
template<typename T, typename Tuple_t>
struct index_in_tuple{
static constexpr size_t value = index_in_tuple_fn<0,T,Tuple_t>();
The example above avoids generating tons of sub tuples, which makes compilation fail (out of memory) when you call index_in_tuple
for large tuples
template <class T, class Tuple>
struct Index;
template <class T, class... Types>
struct Index<T, std::tuple<T, Types...>> {
static const std::size_t value = 0;
template <class T, class U, class... Types>
struct Index<T, std::tuple<U, Types...>> {
static const std::size_t value = 1 + Index<T, std::tuple<Types...>>::value;
See it live at Coliru.
This implementation returns the index of the first occurrence of a given type. Asking for the index of a type that is not in the tuple results in a compile error (and a fairly ugly one at that).
Yet another one using fold expression. It also sets the value to -1 when not found.
template <class X, class Tuple>
class Idx;
template <class X, class... T>
class Idx<X, std::tuple<T...>> {
template <std::size_t... idx>
static constexpr ssize_t find_idx(std::index_sequence<idx...>) {
return -1 + ((std::is_same<X, T>::value ? idx + 1 : 0) + ...);
static constexpr ssize_t value = find_idx(std::index_sequence_for<T...>{});
live: https://onlinegdb.com/SJE8kOYdv