Should I have a dedicated primary key field?

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温柔的废话 2020-11-30 10:05

I\'m designing a small SQL database to be used by a web application.

Let\'s say a particular table has a Name field for which no two rows will be allowed to have the

  • 2020-11-30 10:44

    If you're living in the rarefied circles of theoretical mathematicians (like C. Date does in the-land-where-there-are-no-nulls, because all data values are known and correct), then primary keys can be built from the components of the data that identify the idealized platonic entity to which you are referring (i.e. name+birthday+place of birth+parent's names), but in the messy real world "synthetic keys" that can identify your real-world entities within the context of your database are a much more practical way to do things. (And nullable fields can be very useful to. Take that, relational-design-theory people!)

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  • 2020-11-30 10:46

    I would use an auto-generated ID field for the primary key. It's easier to join with tables based off integer IDs than text. Also, if field Name is updated often, if it were a primary key, the database would be put under stress for updating the index on that field much more often.

    If field Name is always unique, you should still mark it as unique in the database. However, often there will be a possibility (maybe not currently but possibly in the future in your case) of two same names, so I do not recommend it.

    Another advantage for using IDs is in the case you have a reporting need on your database. If you have a report you want for a given set of names, the ID filter on the report would stay consistent even when the names might change.

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  • 2020-11-30 10:47

    What you are describing is called a surrogate key. See the Wikipedia article for the long answer.

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  • 2020-11-30 10:49

    Have an integer primary key is always a good thing from the performance prospective. All of your relationships will be much more efficient with an integer primary key. For example, JOINs will be very much faster (SQL Server).

    It will also allow you future modifications of the database. Quite often you have a unique name column only to find out later that the name it is not unique at all.

    Right now, you could enforce the uniqueness of the column Name by having an index on it as well.

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  • 2020-11-30 10:50

    Though it's faster to search and join on an integer column (as many have pointed out), it's even faster to never join in the first place. By storing a natural key, you can often eliminate the need for a join.

    For a smallish database, the CASCADE updates to the foreign key references wouldn't have much performance impact, unless they were changing extremely often.

    That being said, you should probably use an integer or GUID as a surrogate key in this case. An updateable-by-design primary key isn't the best idea, and unless your application has a very compelling business reason to be unique by name - you will inevitably have conflicts.

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