I\'ve spent half an hour trying to get this, maybe someone can come up with it quickly.
I need a regular expression that will match one or two digits, followed by an
Following is Very Good Regular expression for Two digits and two decimal points.
[RegularExpression(@"\d{0,2}(\.\d{1,2})?", ErrorMessage = "{0} must be a Decimal Number.")]
EDIT: Changed to fit other feedback.
I understood you to mean that if there is no decimal point, then there shouldn't be two more digits. So this should be it:
That should do the trick in most implementations. If not, you can use:
And that should work on every implementation I've seen.
you can use
let regex = new RegExp(
where you can decide the maximum length and up to which decimal point you want to control the value
Use ES6 String interpolation to wrap the variables ${maxlength} and ${decimal_number}.
A previous answer is mostly correct, but it will also match the empty string. The following would solve this.
Try this