I\'m trying to read some really big numbers from standard input and add them together.
However, to add to BigInteger, I need to use BigInteger.valueOf(long);
For a loop where you want to convert an array
of strings
to an array
of bigIntegers
do this:
String[] unsorted = new String[n]; //array of Strings
BigInteger[] series = new BigInteger[n]; //array of BigIntegers
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
series[i] = new BigInteger(unsorted[i]); //convert String to bigInteger
Instead of using valueOf(long)
and parse()
, you can directly use the BigInteger constructor that takes a string argument:
BigInteger numBig = new BigInteger("8599825996872482982482982252524684268426846846846846849848418418414141841841984219848941984218942894298421984286289228927948728929829");
That should give you the desired value.
Using the constructor
BigInteger(String val)
Translates the decimal String representation of a BigInteger into a BigInteger.
If you may want to convert plaintext (not just numbers) to a BigInteger you will run into an exception, if you just try to: new BigInteger("not a Number")
In this case you could do it like this way:
public BigInteger stringToBigInteger(String string){
byte[] asciiCharacters = string.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
StringBuilder asciiString = new StringBuilder();
for(byte asciiCharacter:asciiCharacters){
BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(asciiString.toString());
return bigInteger;
BigInteger has a constructor where you can pass string as an argument.
try below,
private void sum(String newNumber) {
// BigInteger is immutable, reassign the variable:
this.sum = this.sum.add(new BigInteger(newNumber));
According to the documentation:
BigInteger(String val)
Translates the decimal String representation of a BigInteger into a BigInteger.
It means that you can use a String
to initialize a BigInteger
object, as shown in the following snippet:
sum = sum.add(new BigInteger(newNumber));