I used to work on a jQuery plugin named \'BeautyTips\' and it was working just fine. But, since I\'ve installed IE 8, this plugin stop working because it needs Excanvas to m
if anyone still have this issue: Beauty Tips version 0.9.5 fixes this issue. however if you have to use earlier version (like i do, as the new version introduced an issue of tips being closed prematurely in my page), you should replace line 530 with these lines:
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
$(canvas).attr('width', (numb($text.btOuterWidth(true)) + opts.strokeWidth*2)).attr('height', (numb($text.outerHeight(true)) + opts.strokeWidth*2)).appendTo($box).css({position: 'absolute', top: $text.btPosition().top, left: $text.btPosition().left, zIndex: opts.boxzIndex});
hope it helps.