I am using a self-styled, numbered list. How can I read the start-attribute and add it to the counter with CSS?
- Number
Back on an old question i have forgotten about.
Nowdays there is the CSS custom properties that could be used , even then , it requires to add a style
attribute aside your start
Custom properties (sometimes referred to as CSS variables or cascading variables) are entities defined by CSS authors that contain specific values to be reused throughout a document. They are set using custom property notation (e.g., --main-color: black;) and are accessed using the var() function (e.g., color: var(--main-color);).
example (if the code is generated it seems easier to set both value the same for start=x
and var(--s:x)
to avoid mistake):
ol {
list-style-type: none;
/* this does not work like I expected
counter-reset: lis attr(start, number, 0); */
/* update using the css varaiable from html */
counter-reset: lis calc(var(--s) - 1) ;
/* calc() is used to keep html attributes values coherent */
li {
counter-increment: lis
li:before {
content: counter(lis)". ";
color: red;
<li>Number One</li>
<li>Number Two</li>
<li>Number Three</li>
<ol start="10" style="--s:10"><!-- or set it right away to nine to get rid of calc() in the css rule-->
<li>Number Ten</li>
<li>Number Eleven</li>
<li>Number Twelve</li>
<ol start="30" style="--s:30"><!-- or set it right away to twenty nine to get rid of calc() in the css rule -->
<li>Number Thirty</li>
<li>Number Thirty one</li>
<li>Number Thirty two</li>
That's far to late to be an answer but could be useful to anyone else from now.
I see that this is an old question, but I'm putting this here because it may come to help someone yet.
You cannot read an attribute in css counter properties.
Instead, you could use inline css with counter-reset
to define the starting number for a particular list.
(Yes, I know it is not a best practice to use inline css, but it can and should be used for edge cases like this one)
The first item increments the reset value by 1, so besides providing the counter name, you will need to subtract the number you want the list to start at by 1:
<li>Number One</li>
<li>Number Two</li>
<li>Number Three</li>
<!-- NOTE: List numbering starts at counter-reset + 1 -->
<ol style="counter-reset: lis 9;">
<li>Number Ten</li>
<li>Number Eleven</li>
<li>Number Twelve</li>
ol {
list-style-type: none;
counter-reset: lis; /* Resets counter to zero unless overridden */
li {
counter-increment: lis
li:before {
content: counter(lis)". ";
color: red;
FIDDLE (http://jsfiddle.net/hcWpp/308/)
To support <ol start="10"> even if counter-reset was enabled in Firefox:
$('ol[start]').each(function() {
var val = parseFloat($(this).attr("start"));
$(this).find("li").first().attr("value", val);
jQuery script is based on Daniel Tonon's input.
Simply add:
counter-increment: lis 10;
You cant use attr
in counter-reset
unfortunately, but you can add rules to alter the increment amount.
If you are going to have multiple lists, a more resilient version would be:
ol {
list-style-type: none;
/* this does not work like I expected */
counter-reset: lis;
counter-increment: ol
li {
counter-increment: lis
li:before {
content: counter(lis)". ";
color: red;
ol:not(:first-of-type) li:before {
content: counter(ol) counter(lis)". ";
color: red;
If the numerical prefix can be anything, the below will provision for this:
<li>Number One</li>
<li>Number Two</li>
<li>Number Three</li>
<li data-prefix="1">Number Ten</li>
<li data-prefix="1">Number Eleven</li>
<li data-prefix="1">Number Twelve</li>
<li data-prefix="a">Number Ten</li>
<li data-prefix="b">Number Eleven</li>
<li data-prefix="c">Number Twelve</li>
ol {
list-style-type: none;
counter-reset: lis;
li {
counter-increment: lis
li:before {
content: attr(data-prefix) counter(lis)". ";
color: red;
ol[start="10"] {
counter-reset: lis 9;
Demo , but this will only apply for this ol
attribute. You would need some javaScript in order to retrieve attribute value to apply, generate the correct counter-reset
<ins data-extra="Use of Scss">
see this : DEMO to generate 100 rules from these lines :
@for $i from 1 through 100 {
.ol[start="#{$i}"] {
counter-reset: lis $i ;
Then just copy paste the rules generated if Scss is not avalaible on your hosting .
<ins data-extra="jQueryFix">
$( "ol" ).each(function() {
var val=1;
if ( $(this).attr("start")){
val = $(this).attr("start");
val= 'lis '+ val;
$(this ).css('counter-increment',val );
Notice that : $(this ).css('counter-reset',val );
works too :)
Just providing a streamlined version of GCyrillus JS solution
$('ol[start]').each(function() {
var val = parseFloat($(this).attr("start")) - 1;
$(this).css('counter-increment','lis '+ val);
I wish CSS could read and use numeric values from HTML attributes :(