I am developing a Java web project using the latest Spring framework version (3.2.2-RELEASE), but now I have a problem when the project is started up. The detail error is
Same issue for me. I ran 'mvn dependency:tree' and noticed that an older version of spring-aop was being brought in so I added it to the jersey-spring exclusions, which corrected my problem:
I ran into the same problem when trying to add Spring security to the application. The problem was resolved by adding
I solved my same problem after I generated a mvn dependency:tree and looked for older spring versions in my tree. Indeed, there was a dependency to org.springframework:spring-asm:3.0.7-RELEASE in my dependencies.
I resolved the problem adding following exclusion in jersey-spring dependency.
I resolved the same problem by reordering the pom dependencies.
I got issue from org.springframework.security. So I brought it to end of the dependencies.
If you are using a spring version > 3.2.0, you no longer need to include specifically spring-asm since it has been included in spring-core.
Remove spring-asm from your build definition and ensure that spring-core is there.
See http://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/3.2.16.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/htmlsingle/#migration-3.2-inline-asm