I\'ve got a wildcard pattern, perhaps \"*.txt\" or \"POS??.dat\".
I also have list of filenames in memory that I need to compare to that pattern.
How would
Some kind of regex/glob is the way to go, but there are some subtleties; your question indicates you want identical semantics to IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFiles
. That could be a challenge, because of the special cases involving 8.3 vs. long file names and the like. The whole story is on MSDN.
If you don't need an exact behavioral match, there are a couple of good SO questions:
glob pattern matching in .NET
How to implement glob in C#
The use of RegexOptions.IgnoreCase will fix it.
public class WildcardPattern : Regex {
public WildcardPattern(string wildCardPattern)
: base(ConvertPatternToRegex(wildCardPattern), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) {
public WildcardPattern(string wildcardPattern, RegexOptions regexOptions)
: base(ConvertPatternToRegex(wildcardPattern), regexOptions) {
private static string ConvertPatternToRegex(string wildcardPattern) {
string patternWithWildcards = Regex.Escape(wildcardPattern).Replace("\\*", ".*");
patternWithWildcards = string.Concat("^", patternWithWildcards.Replace("\\?", "."), "$");
return patternWithWildcards;
You could translate the wildcards into a regular expression:
*.txt -> ^.+\.txt$
POS??.dat _> ^POS..\.dat$
Use the Regex.Escape
method to escape the characters that are not wildcars into literal strings for the pattern (e.g. converting ".txt"
to "\.txt"
The wildcard *
translates into .+
, and ?
translates into .
Put ^ at the beginning of the pattern to match the beginning of the string, and $ at the end to match the end of the string.
Now you can use the Regex.IsMatch
method to check if a file name matches the pattern.
You can simply do this. You do not need regular expressions.
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices;
if (Operators.LikeString("pos123.txt", "pos?23.*", CompareMethod.Text))
Console.WriteLine("Filename matches pattern");
Or, in VB.Net,
If "pos123.txt" Like "pos?23.*" Then
Console.WriteLine("Filename matches pattern")
End If
In c# you could simulate this with an extension method. It wouldn't be exactly like VB Like, but it would be like...very cool.
For anyone who comes across this question now that it is years later, I found over at the MSDN social boards that the GetFiles() method will accept * and ? wildcard characters in the searchPattern parameter. (At least in .Net 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5)
Directory.GetFiles(string path, string searchPattern)
Plz try the below code.
static void Main(string[] args)
string _wildCardPattern = "*.txt";
List<string> _fileNames = new List<string>();
Console.WriteLine("\nFilenames that matches [{0}] pattern are : ", _wildCardPattern);
foreach (string _fileName in _fileNames)
CustomWildCardPattern _patetrn = new CustomWildCardPattern(_wildCardPattern);
if (_patetrn.IsMatch(_fileName))
Console.WriteLine("{0}", _fileName);
public class CustomWildCardPattern : Regex
public CustomWildCardPattern(string wildCardPattern)
: base(WildcardPatternToRegex(wildCardPattern))
public CustomWildCardPattern(string wildcardPattern, RegexOptions regexOptions)
: base(WildcardPatternToRegex(wildcardPattern), regexOptions)
private static string WildcardPatternToRegex(string wildcardPattern)
string patternWithWildcards = "^" + Regex.Escape(wildcardPattern).Replace("\\*", ".*");
patternWithWildcards = patternWithWildcards.Replace("\\?", ".") + "$";
return patternWithWildcards;