Adding scroll bar in subplots within GUI

前端 未结 1 719
猫巷女王i 2020-11-30 06:16

How can I add scrollbar to the subplots?

I have gone through many tutorials but they seem quite difficult to understand (ex: Scrolling Figure Demo)

Any easie

  • 2020-11-30 07:06

    I'm not sure what demo you are referring to, but let me explain how I would implement such a functionality.

    The idea is to create a large panel inside a figure, which will contain all the subplots. The panel would be larger than the figure in size. You will have to manually position the axes inside this panel. Also using a slider, you will have to maintain the position of the panel itself to control which part of it is visible.

    Consider the following example. We will create a figure such that we scroll vertically to see all the subplots.

    We start by creating a figure, and placing a panel and a slider components to fill the entire figure:

    %# create figure, panel, and slider
    w = 600; h = 500;           %# width/height of figure
    handles.hFig = figure('Menubar','figure', 'Resize','off', ...
        'Units','pixels', 'Position',[200 200 w h]);
    handles.hPan = uipanel('Parent',handles.hFig, ...
        'Units','pixels', 'Position',[0 0 w-20 h]);
    handles.hSld = uicontrol('Parent',handles.hFig, ...
        'Style','slider', 'Enable','off', ...
        'Units','pixels', 'Position',[w-20 0 20 h], ...
        'Min',0-eps, 'Max',0, 'Value',0, ...

    For now the slider is disabled. Note that in order to keep things simple, I turned off figure resizing. That way we can position components in fixed pixel units.

    Next, we will create new axes one at a time, making each fill one view page. I placed that code inside a separate function addAxis for easy use. First let me show how we call this function:

    %# add and plot to axes one-by-one
    hAx = zeros(7,1);
    clr = lines(7);
    for i=1:7
        hAx(i) = addAxis(handles);
        plot(hAx(i), cumsum(rand(100,1)-0.5), 'LineWidth',2, 'Color',clr(i,:))
        title(hAx(i), sprintf('plot %d',i))
        pause(1)   %# slow down so that we can see the updates

    The addAxis simply grows the container panel in size, creates an axis, position it on the top, adjusts the slider limits, then returns a handle to the newly created axis.

    function hAx = addAxis(handles)
        %# look for previous axes
        ax = findobj(handles.hPan, 'type','axes');
        if isempty(ax)
            %# create first axis
            hAx = axes('Parent',handles.hPan, ...
                'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0.13 0.11 0.775 0.815]);
            set(hAx, 'Units','pixels');
            %# get height of figure
            p = get(handles.hFig, 'Position');
            h = p(4);
            %# increase panel height, and shift it to show new space
            p = get(handles.hPan, 'Position');
            set(handles.hPan, 'Position',[p(1) p(2)-h p(3) p(4)+h])
            %# compute position of new axis: append on top (y-shifted)
            p = get(ax, 'Position');
            if iscell(p), p = cell2mat(p); end
            p = [p(1,1) max(p(:,2))+h p(1,3) p(1,4)];
            %# create the new axis
            hAx = axes('Parent',handles.hPan, ...
                'Units','pixels', 'Position',p);
            %# adjust slider, and call its callback function
            mx = get(handles.hSld, 'Max');
            set(handles.hSld, 'Max',mx+h, 'Min',0, 'Enable','on')
            %#set(handles.hSld, 'Value',mx+h)       %# scroll to new space
            hgfeval(get(handles.hSld,'Callback'), handles.hSld, []);
        %# force GUI update

    The slider callback function simply shifts the panel up and down according to the current value of the slider:

    function onSlide(hSld,ev,hPan)
        %# slider value
        offset = get(hSld,'Value');
        %# update panel position
        p = get(hPan, 'Position');  %# panel current position
        set(hPan, 'Position',[p(1) -offset p(3) p(4)])

    The result of this example:


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