I\'m in need of a way to detect mobile browsers server-side. I\'d like a way that requires me to do little to set up and little to maintain, yet still provide me with accura
Its just a matter of reading the headers ( How do I read any request header in PHP ) and parsing / interpreting this to read the "user-agent", you may be able to find an existing PHP script or maybe just plain regex that will help in figuring out which user-agents are mobile and which are regular pc's / laptops.
There are a lot of different headers, as it indicates the operating system, so as many different mobile OS'es as there are there would be user-agent headers so the script needs to have a list of all valid ones.
WURLF is the ultimate way for mobile browser detection and a PHP API is available.
Found this library a little while back:
Has PHP, Java, JavaScript, and C# versions. I see it as a "lightweight" smartphone/tablet detection tool without dependencies and is regularly updated. I have mixed feelings about it though as some aspects of the code quality are a bit shaky.
If you need something even lighter-weight, the WP Super Cache plugin for WordPress contains some long regex strings you could probably swipe.
Browser sniffing based on user agent strings is always going to be flaky. I looked at WURFL and it is several MB compressed. Using that is overkill. A better approach is to detect the top devices in use on the website, design for those devices, and then call it a day.
Zend Framework introduced Zend_Http_UserAgent lately.
It can determine the Mobile Device and it's capabilities by detecting the UserAgent through Wurfl, TeraWurfl and DeviceAtlas API.