I was reading the es6 import statement reference on MDN. The syntax:
import \"my-module\";
will import an entire module for side effects on
Consider Below as a example code. as you try to import something , it wouldn't export anything but do many things and overrides you existing code(if you have) so that's the side effect.
import Ember from 'ember';
Ember.RSVP.configure('onerror', function(error) {
import './overrides/extra';
When you need to import something that doesn't export anything, but does something else, this is a side effect only module. You import it only to initialize it.
Pure and Non Pure Modules
If you think about modules as functions, a module that only effects the scope by exporting it's content is like a function that always returns the same thing (a pure function without parameters). No matter how many times you'll import react 15.01, you'll always get an object that contains the same methods.
A module with side-effects is one that changes the scope in other ways then returning something, and it's effects are not always predictable, and can be affected by outside forces (non pure function). A polyfill for example, might not do anything, because it finds that the feature that it enables is already supported by the browser.
Examples of side effects:
object, but doesn't export
anything.Here is an example:
function print1()
console.log("export print1 is working");
function print2()
console.log("non-export print2 is working");
import "a.js";
When you run "b.js", you will see the printed messages, which are called
side effects