Can you please help me in solving this problem. I am trying to order the results of an SQL query by date, but I\'m not getting the results I need.
The query I\'m usi
This may help you in mysql, php.
//your date in any format
$date = $this->input->post('txtCouponExpiry');
$day = (int)substr($date, 3, 2);
$month = (int)substr($date, 0, 2);
$year = (int)substr($date, 7, 4);
$unixTimestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $year, $day, $month);
// insert it into database
//query for selecting order by date ASC or DESC
select * from table order_by date asc;
Try using this this work for me
select * from `table_name` ORDER BY STR_TO_DATE(start_date,"%d-%m-%Y") ASC
where start_date is the field name
It sounds to me like your column isn't a date column but a text column (varchar/nvarchar etc). You should store it in the database as a date, not a string.
If you have to store it as a string for some reason, store it in a sortable format e.g. yyyy/MM/dd.
As najmeddine shows, you could convert the column on every access, but I would try very hard not to do that. It will make the database do a lot more work - it won't be able to keep appropriate indexes etc. Whenever possible, store the data in a type appropriate to the data itself.
I wanted to edit several events in descendant chonologic order, and I just made a :
TO_CHAR(startdate,'YYYYMMDD') dateorder,
TO_CHAR(startdate,'DD/MM/YYYY') startdate,
from ...
order by dateorder desc
and it works for me. But surely not adapted for every case... Just hope it'll help someone !
Unsure what dbms you're using however I'd do it this way in Microsoft SQL:
select [date]
from tbemp
order by cast([date] as datetime) asc
It seems that your date column is not of type datetime but varchar. You have to convert it to datetime when sorting:
select date
from tbemp
order by convert(datetime, date, 103) ASC
style 103 = dd/MM/yyyy (