I tend to use "early if" statements as means of reducing the level of nested braces (or indentation in Python) like so:
if (inParam == null) {
if (inParam.Value < 0) {
throw new ArgumentException(...,...);
// Else ... from here on my if statements are simpler since I got here.
Of course, .Net 4.0 now has code contracts, which is great! But, most languages do not have that just yet, so "early ifs" (for the lack of better term) are great precisely because they eliminate a number of else clauses and nested ifs. I do not think it is beneficial to have an else clause in high-level languages ... heck, even in assembly! The idea is: if you checked and did not jump, then the condition was false and we can carry on. Makes logical sense to me ...
EDIT: Check out this article as well to see why else
clauses are not of much help: