I am a beginner at Objective-C and I am a bit confused at this scenario. I have the following code:
if (number1 < number2) {
Swift 3.1
let number1 = NSNumber(value: 10.2)
let number2 = NSNumber(value: 20.2)
let result = number1.compare(number2)
if result == .orderedAscending {
} else if result == .orderedDescending {
} else { // .orderedSame
For cases where you simply want to test whether two NSNumber properties hold the same value, then from the Apple documentation it seems that using
- (BOOL)isEqualToNumber:(NSNumber *)aNumber
is the most straightforward and efficient way to compare two NSNumber values.
For example:
if ([someNumber isEqualToNumber:someOtherNumber])
// The numbers hold the same value
// The numbers hold different values
The documentation also says "This method is more efficient than compare: if you know the two objects are numbers."
Whenever you need to know whether a value is smaller or greater, they offer the
- (NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)aNumber
method, but personally I would prefer at that point to just pull out the integer values (or double values) and use regular < and > operators to do the comparison, because that makes the code much easier to read, like so:
if (firstNumber.intValue > secondNumber.intValue)
// First number is greater than the second number
else if (firstNumber.intValue == secondNumber.intValue)
// The two numbers have the same value
// The first number is smaller than the second number
Something like that is much easier to read than calls to -compare:, in my opinion.
I assume number1 and number2 are pointers to objects. The < sign is comparing the pointers.
You need to compare the actual floatValue or doubleValue
if ([number1 doubleValue] < [number2 doubleValue])
NSNumber has a method for comparison: - (NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber*)aNumber
if([numberOne compare:numberTwo] == NSOrderedSame)
// proceed