Is there something like startsWith(str_a, str_b)
in the standard C library?
It should take pointers to two strings that end with nullbytes, and tell me
Optimized (v.2. - corrected):
uint32 startsWith( const void* prefix_, const void* str_ ) {
uint8 _cp, _cs;
const uint8* _pr = (uint8*) prefix_;
const uint8* _str = (uint8*) str_;
while ( ( _cs = *_str++ ) & ( _cp = *_pr++ ) ) {
if ( _cp != _cs ) return 0;
return !_cp;
I'm no expert at writing elegant code, but...
int prefix(const char *pre, const char *str)
char cp;
char cs;
if (!*pre)
return 1;
while ((cp = *pre++) && (cs = *str++))
if (cp != cs)
return 0;
if (!cs)
return 0;
return 1;