I wanted to know if we can resize an image. Suppose if we want to draw an image of 200x200 actual size with a size of 100 x 100 size on our blackberry screen.
in this there is two bitmap.temp is holding the old bitmap.In this method you just pass
bitmap ,width,height.it return new bitmap of your choice.
Bitmap ImgResizer(Bitmap bitmap , int width , int height){
Bitmap temp=new Bitmap(width,height);
Bitmap resized_Bitmap = bitmap;
resized_Bitmap.scaleInto(temp , Bitmap.FILTER_LANCZOS);
return temp;
Keep in mind that the default image scaling done by BlackBerry is quite primitive and generally doesn't look very good. If you are building for 5.0 there is a new API to do much better image scaling using filters such as bilinear or Lanczos.
Just an alternative:
BlackBerry - draw image on the screen
BlackBerry - image 3D transform
Here is the function or you can say method to resize image, use it as you want :
int olddWidth;
int olddHeight;
int dispplayWidth;
int dispplayHeight;
EncodedImage ei2 = EncodedImage.getEncodedImageResource("add2.png");
olddWidth = ei2.getWidth();
olddHeight = ei2.getHeight();
dispplayWidth = 40;\\here pass the width u want in pixels
dispplayHeight = 80;\\here pass the height u want in pixels again
int numeerator = net.rim.device.api.math.Fixed32.toFP(olddWidth);
int denoominator = net.rim.device.api.math.Fixed32.toFP(dispplayWidth);
int widtthScale = net.rim.device.api.math.Fixed32.div(numeerator, denoominator);
numeerator = net.rim.device.api.math.Fixed32.toFP(olddHeight);
denoominator = net.rim.device.api.math.Fixed32.toFP(dispplayHeight);
int heighhtScale = net.rim.device.api.math.Fixed32.div(numeerator, denoominator);
EncodedImage newEi2 = ei2.scaleImage32(widtthScale, heighhtScale);
Bitmap _add =newEi2.getBitmap();
For BlackBerry JDE 5.0 or later, you can use the scaleInto API.
I'm not a Blackberry programmer, but I believe some of these links will help you out:
Image Resizing Article
Resizing a Bitmap on the Blackberry
Blackberry Image Scaling Question