I want to use numpy.exp
like this:
cc = np.array([
print 1/(1+np.exp(-cc))
But this gives me erro
The largest value representable by a numpy
float is 1.7976931348623157e+308, whose logarithm is about 709.782, so there is no way to represent np.exp(1234.1)
In [1]: import numpy as np
In [2]: np.finfo('d').max
Out[2]: 1.7976931348623157e+308
In [3]: np.log(_)
Out[3]: 709.78271289338397
In [4]: np.exp(709)
Out[4]: 8.2184074615549724e+307
In [5]: np.exp(710)
/usr/local/bin/ipython:1: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
Out[5]: inf
A possible solution is to use the decimal
module, which lets you work with arbitrary precision floats. Here is an example where a numpy
array of floats with 100 digits precision is used:
import numpy as np
import decimal
# Precision to use
decimal.getcontext().prec = 100
# Original array
cc = np.array(
# Fails
print(1/(1 + np.exp(-cc)))
# New array with the specified precision
ccd = np.asarray([decimal.Decimal(el) for el in cc], dtype=object)
# Works!
print(1/(1 + np.exp(-ccd)))
exp(-1234.1) is too small for 32bit or 64bit floating-point numbers. Since it cannot be represented, numpy produces the correct warning.
Using IEEE 754 32bit floating-point
numbers, the smallest positive number it can represent is 2^(-149)
, which is roughly 1e-45.
If you use IEEE 754 64 bit floating-point
numbers, the smallest positive number is 2^(-1074)
which is roughy 1e-327.
In either case, it cannot represent a number as small as exp(-1234.1) which is about 1e-535.
You should be using the expit
function from scipy to compute the sigmoid function. This would give you better precision.
For practical purposes, exp(-1234.1) is a very small number. If rounding to zero makes sense in your use case, numpy produces benign results by rounding it to zero.
As fuglede says, the issue here is that np.float64
can't handle a number as large as exp(1234.1)
. Try using np.float128
>>> cc = np.array([[0.120,0.34,-1234.1]], dtype=np.float128)
>>> cc
array([[ 0.12, 0.34, -1234.1]], dtype=float128)
>>> 1 / (1 + np.exp(-cc))
array([[ 0.52996405, 0.58419052, 1.0893812e-536]], dtype=float128)
Note however, that there are certain quirks with using extended precision. It may not work on Windows; you don't actually get the full 128 bits of precision; and you might lose the precision whenever the number passes through pure python. You can read more about the details here.
For most practical purposes, you can probably approximate 1 / (1 + <a large number>)
to zero. That is to say, just ignore the warning and move on. Numpy takes care of the approximation for you (when using np.float64
>>> 1 / (1 + np.exp(-cc))
/usr/local/bin/ipython3:1: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
array([[ 0.52996405, 0.58419052, 0. ]])
If you want to suppress the warning, you could use scipy.special.expit, as suggested by WarrenWeckesser in a comment to the question:
>>> from scipy.special import expit
>>> expit(cc)
array([[ 0.52996405, 0.58419052, 0. ]])