This happens because the value of the input field (the selected filepath) does not change if you select the same file again.
You can set the value in the onChange()
event to an empty string and submit your form only if the value is not empty. Have a look at my sample and this jsFiddle Demonstration.
$(".attachmentsUpload input.file").change(function () {
if ($(".attachmentsUpload input.file").val() == "") {
// your ajax submit
$(".attachmentsUpload input.file").val("");
This, for any reason, does not work in IE9. You can replace the element to reset them.
In this case you need jQuery live()
to bind the event, because your input field will dynamically (re)created.
This will work in all browsers.
I found this solution on the stackoverflow answer Clearing input type='file' using jQuery
$(".attachmentsUpload input.file").live("change", function () {
if ($(".attachmentsUpload input.file").val() == "") {
// get the inputs value
var fileInputContent = $(".attachmentsUpload input.file").val();
// your ajax submit
alert("submit value of the file input field=" + fileInputContent);
// reset the field
$(".attachmentsUpload input.file").replaceWith('<input type="file" class="file" name="file" />');
More Information
- jQuery.replaceWith()
Check out my updated jsFiddle
Note: live is now removed from later versions of jQuery. Please use on instead of live