I downloaded a project from GitHub, then pod the following files, some of which are written by OBJ-C and I used a bridge header.
pod ‘SnapKit’
pod ‘MJRefresh
Since I have been stuck in this issue for 2 working days , I would like to share my issue for you because may be future searchers are facing my problem
I was getting the mentioned error when running with command line , and I found that the command I was writing was for running .xcodeproj
,, but to run a .xcworkspace
you have to write the following command
xcodebuild -workspace PROJECTNAME.xcworkspace clean archive -archivePath build/PROJECTNAME -scheme SCHEMENAME
XCode can build seccessful in the some target, but the other target can not.
Finally, I found that Header Search Paths is not the same. (Path: Target > Build Settings > Search Paths > Header Search Paths > add item)
I copied & pasted the path from the successful target. I made it. Bravo.